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Ryujin's POV

I just arrived at the office, I was kinda late but who cares I'm the owner anyways. But then Minnie, Isa and Winter were eyeing me since this morning and I looked at them confused as I was seated on my office chair

"What's with that look?" I asked them and raise a brow

"Well as the CEO, you should arrive here early" Minnie told me

"Why? I'm the owner anyways" I said in defense

"Yeah but still" Winter said, great, she's siding with them as well.

"Fine, fine, I'll be early next time" I told them and rolled my eyes

"You better be, the new employee was even earlier than you" Isa said and I looked at her

"Which new employee?" I asked and raised a brow

"Well, she's kinda pretty, I'm sure she- Ah yah!" Winter yelled at Minnie after getting slapped on the shoulder

"You don't talk about people like that" Minnie scolded her and I just shook my head at their behavior

"Anyways, this is her resume in case you need to know if she's qualified. Winter said she is so we did take her in immediately yesterday since we lack some employees because of what happened" Isa told me

"Its not my fault that they just want my money and my dick" I told them

"Well its not our fault either so you don't have to give excuses to the new employee. She's so excited to have a job tho" Winter said

"Can I see her then? since ya'll said she's pretty" I asked and grinned

"Hell no, you have a meeting in an hour and another for the new product you'll be releasing, the project proposals and of course we need to wait for the finalizations for our marketing from the marketing department and then we can move on to the financial and so on and release the new product" Minnie said to me, well mostly like scolded me.

"Okay then, when do I get to see her?" I asked

"Why do you want to?" Isa asked me

"Of course she's an employee in my company, I should know about her" I said in defense

"Yeah right, you never did that to the other employees so no, you won't be able to see her now go get ready for your meeting" Winter told me and I just sighed.

I got my things and got up from
my chair, another day of me going to a meeting without a secretary, which meant I should do all the listing and stuff again.

"Don't worry Ryujin, it wouldn't be that long" Winter told me as we walked to the meeting room

"Can't like one of you join me? I might not be able to take note of everything" I said in frustration

"Sorry but we can't, we have a lot to do as well. Isa needs to check on some files, Minnie will be mentoring and I'll be with the finance team in the meantime" Winter told me and I just nodded

I can't force them anyways, we had a lot to do each.

I got inside the meeting and greeted everyone there, later on the meeting started and it went on and on.

Chaeryeong's POV

Hours has passed and so far it wasn't that hard for me to work as the head of the marketing. I went to eat lunch along with Jiwon unnie and Mashiro unnie. They actually invited me since they said I'm new and they want to help me along as I'm working here. Yiren, well she's not talking to me at all, she didn't even gave me a glance which made me wonder why but I just shrugged it off.

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