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(Since I forgot to put the pic of what Chaeryeong was wearing for the day, I'll put it here, I'm very sorry. By the way, its the pic on top)

As Ryujin checked the papers, she was quite impressed. She never thought of Yiren doing this ton of work in just two weeks.

As she was scanning through the oapers, Winter went inside her office.

"Here are some of the files from the production department. Kim Chaewon is quite busy so I insisted on giving it to you myself" Winter said and placed the green folder on the table.

"Yeah, thanks" Ryujin said and focused on the proposal of the marketing department.

"You seem so busy" Winter said and raised a brow

"Umm yeah, you told me that you guys hired a new VP for the marketing department" Ryujin said

"Yes, actually, she's close with Minnie right now. I guess they get a long well. Oh also the other department members are really fond of her, saying that she's really go-"

"So she's just making friends here?"

"Huh? wait what? I'm confused right now Ryujin" Winter said and chuckled

"I mean, the new employee is just here to make friends?" Ryujin asked and placed the papers down

"So making friends is not allowed? Come on Ryujin, its just-"

They were both interrupted when someone went inside the office.

"Good day Ms. Shin, these are from the finance department" she said and Ryujin nodded, taking the papers from her

"Thank you Xiaoting, also can you do me a favor." Ryujin said and Xiaoting nodded

"Do call for the new VP of the marketing department. Tell her I need to speak to her" Ryujin said and Xiaoting just nodded

"Will do Ms. Shin" Xiaoting said and bowed. She left the room and Winter was there standing in disbelief.

"You should leave as well, unless you want to hear me arguing with an employee" Ryujin said and stood up

"You're not gonna fire her right?" Winter asked worriedly

"I'm the CEO, I can so anything Winter, now go on and do your work or just rest. I don't really mind" Ryujin said and Winter decided to leave instead.


"So you really like coffee?" Minnie asked the younger

"Mhm, I usually drink everyday but now I'm trying to lessen it" Chaeryeong said and they nodded. They made their way back to the office but Minnie had to do other things that's why she couldn't go with them.

"I'll go ahead and give these to- where's my files!?!" Chaeryeong got shocked. The folders on the table were gone.

"Maybe you just misplaced it, didn't you bring it with us downstairs?" Jiwon asked

"I didn't I know I left it here" Chaeryeong said nervously

"Soyeon unnie, have you seen some folders here on the table?" Chaeyoung asked

"Ani, I haven't seen any" Soyeon said and continued to do her work. She just got back from the restroom after all.

"Umm hello" someone said and they all turned their heads to the door.

"Oh, its shouting" Jiwon said and chuckled

"Pabo, she's Xiaoting" Chaeyoung corrected her

"Anyways, Ms. Shin wants to talk to Chaeyeong, is she here?" Xiaoting asked

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