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Chaeryeong's POV

I woke up early once again for today. The last day for me to be a temporary secretary for Ms. Shin. I guess I don't need to dress up much right?

I chose one if my simple work clothes and went off to take a bath. After taking a bath, I got dressed, dried up my hair and went downstairs to have something to eat.

I just had yogurt with some fruits and grains. I think that's enough for me already. After that, I brushed my teeth and got my things so I could leave and go to the office.

I was debating if I should get a cab or just take the bus. I went out of my place and out of the apartment. I was about to walk to the bus station but then, a car stopped in front of me which made me confused. The window slowly went down and I saw Yuna.

"Hop on in unnie" she said and the window at the front went down as well.

"Get in, free ride to work" it was Lia unnie. Of course I can't say no to their offer so I got inside, sitting beside Yuna.

"Good morning unnies, Yuna, thank you for letting me ride" I said and they nodded

"No worries, I'm off to the company you work at anyways" Yeji unnie said and I nodded

"Oh, I thought you're on secretary probation" Yuna said

"Yeah, I am"

"Then what about the thing you said dressing fancy?" she asked me, I just chuckled

"I gave up, I decided to wear something simple today. I'm not expecting anything anyways" I told Yuna and she nodded

After a while, we all reached the company and we got down. I thanked Yeji unnie and Lia unnie once again and went inside the company.

"Hey Chaeryeong" I heard someone greeted, it was Xiaoting unnie

"Oh, hi unnie, good morning" I said with a smile

"Want some coffee? I'm getting one right now" she said, I guess its not bad to get coffee. I didn't got coffee this morning actually

"Sure unnie" I said and she nodded. We went to the mini café and got some coffee, we then sat with Mashiro unnie and apparently, Jiwon unnie was there as well.

"Oh, you're here. What's up with your outfit? you were all fancy yesterday" Jiwon unnie said

"I just decided to wear something simple today" I said

"Did something happened yesterday?" Mashiro unnie asked

"Sort of, but it's okay unnies. I'm fine" I said and they nodded. We talked about some work and stuff. They also asked me about my studies and I told them I'm getting a hang of it already.

A little later, me and Jiwon went to our management office. I did some work since it was only a few now. I completed some of it already for the past days so now I'm focusing more on completing my homeworks and activities.

A little later, Ms. Wang entered the office, all dressed up in somewhat formal attire.

"Did I miss something today?" I asked Chaeyoung unnie, she was standing by my desk, showing me some of her works

"Oh, you haven't heard?" she asked me and I looked at her confusingly

"Heard about what?" I asked

"Ms. Shin has a dinner with Mrs. Son later this evening" Chaeyoung unnie said

Oh, so Ms. Shin and Ms. Wang are really going out together I guess.

"Wait, did Ms. Shin told you about this? or any of the other heads?" Jiwon unnie asked as she came to my table

"No, I went home early yesterday. I don't know anything about it and I haven't received any message or email" I told them and they nodded

"So Ms. Shin picked Ms. Wang as her secretary, well, goodluck with that. Ms. Wang wouldn't do anything I guess" Jiwon unnie said

"Mhm, besides flirting with Ms. Shin" Chaeyoung unnie added.

I just kept mum as they talked about them, I was actually excited to know if I would get picked.

"It would be more better if you were the one chosen to be Ms. Shin's secretary, Chaeryeong" Jiwon unnie told me. I just nodded and smiled at unnie, I couldn't say anything after all.

Since I think I had to do these privately, I stood up from my chair and grab my laptop and binder.

"Where are you going Chaeryeong?" Chaeyoung unnie asked me

"Oh, I'm going to the lounge, I have to finish some of my schoolworks" I said and they nodded

I went towards the door but then Ms. Wang talked to me.

"You won't ever be as good as me Ms. Lee so if I were you just focus on your school. You're not good in your job anyway, a secretary for Ms. Shin? I doubt that she would even call you pretty" she said and chuckled. I gripped tightly on my binder and went out of the office. I had enough of hearing from Ms. Wang. I went down to the café first to get some coffee, I badly need one already actually.

After ordering, I made my way to the lounge, as I entered, I was surprised to see Yuna and the girl I saw the yesterday, Jiheon.

"Oh hi unnie" Yuna greeted me and I smiled at her

"Um, yeah hi" I said and place my things on the table at the side

"Hi unnie, you have school?" Jiheon asked me

"Yeah, I have" I said and she nodded with a smile

"I thought you would go somewhere else today Yuna" I said to her

"Oh, I had a talk with my sister a while ago" she said and I nodded

It was fascinating to see Yuna with Jiheon, she rarely makes friends that fast. Well, Yuna did just broke up with Yujin last time. I was sad that she had to go through all of that but now I'm glad she's talking to someone near her age again.

I continued to do my own business as I listened to music. I don't really care now actually if I wasn't chosen as Ms. Shin's secretary but I still need to give her coffee in a few hours from now.


Ryujin's POV

I was doing work in my office and someone suddenly barged inside without even knocking.

"Hey unnie, we need to talk" I was sure it was Yuna, she's the only one who would barge inside my office like that.

"What do you want Yuna?" I asked and looked at her

"I know you have dinner later and I also know what happened yesterday so you better clear it out to me coz if not, I would gladly let Chaeryeong unnie have a blind date with someone else" she said and it made me confused

"What are you saying?" I asked her

"Minnie unnie told me and showed me the picture of you and that b*tch Ms. Wang. So tell me, are you two dating and you're not telling me?" she asked and my eyes widened

"Hold on there Yuna, I'm dating nobody and why are talking with Minnie?" I asked her

"Coz we're friends duh, Minnie unnie tells me everything, even Winter unnie" she said and I just rolled my eyes on her

"So, who will you bring to the dinner later?" she asked me

"I was planning to get Chaeryeong actually" I said and then looked at my laptop screen.

Yuna then suddenly had a big smile on her face.

"Seriously?! Chaeryeong unnie?!!" she asked excitedly and jumped up and down

"Yes Yuna, why?" I asked her

"Nothing, I'm just so excited. So Chaeryeong unnie is your secretary now?" she asked me and I nodded. She grinned like an idiot once again.

"But I do have one problem" I told her

"What is it?" she asked me

"How would I ask her?" I asked my sister and once again, she was smiling like an idiot

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