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"Are you freaking serious?!" Natty asked in disbelief

"Why? I had no choice Natty" Chaeryeong said and sniffled

"Then you should've at least called me and say, Hey Natty can you pick me up at the grocery? It's raining, or at least tell your girlfriend to pick you up" Natty said

"Ryujin was at work, I can't tell her to pick me up all of the sudden" Chaeryeong said and looked at her hands that were resting on top of her lap

Natty got a little frustrated at the girl. She was called up the other night since Chaeryeong told her that she got the colds so that's why Natty is at Chaeryeong's place right now.

"You're supposed to go to work today you know? your week off is already done yesterday and I'm sure that Ryujin would be waiting for you to be at her house" Natty said and sighed

"Can't I just go to work?" Chaeryeong asked

"You think you can hide your colds? you even have coughs now so you're having a flu. I think it's best for you to stay home. Just tell Ryujin or one of the higher ups that you'll be taking a leave for today or until you get better" Natty suggested

"But they'll ask why I have to take a leave" Chaeryeong said worriedly

"That's your fault honestly. If you just told Ryujin that you got rained on then this won't be happening" Natty said and Chaeryeong suddenly sneezed

"At this point, you're for sure not going to be able to go to work. You look a little bit pale and then your nose is red. You have colds, cough and a fever." Natty said and sighed

Chaeryeong kept on sneezing and then coughing because she got rained on and its been three days already. Natty looked at her watch and then sighed once again.

"I have to go now Chaer, you should tell Ryujin that you're not going to work. You have to rest" Natty said and stood up from the bed

"Okay, well thank you for coming Natty. Sorry for disturbing you" Chaeryeong said and sniffled

"No problem, make sure to drink lots of water and then do tell Ryujin. I'm sure she's worried about you" Natty said and then Chaeryeong nodded. Natty left the apartment and went off to do her work.

Natty found out about Chaeryeong and Ryujin on the day Chaeryeong called for her. It's not like she could keep it from Natty, she was her best friend.


"Ms. Shin, aren't you going to leave for work yet?" Ryujin's maid asked

"In a while, Ms. Lee hasn't arrived yet" Ryujin said

"But Miss, it has been twenty minutes than the usual time she gets here. You'll be late for work" the maid said. Ryujin wondered what was taking Chaeryeong so long but she had no choice but to leave for work without the younger.

Ryujin decided to message Chaeryeong, after a few minutes the younger hasn't replied yet. She just decided to go to work alone

"I'll get going now, I'll be driving alone. Do tell my driver to get my other car cleaned" Ryujin said

"Yes Miss" the maid said and Ryujin went off to work. The ride from work was a little unpleasant because Ryujin was pissed. Not just because she wasn't able to see Chaeryeong, she was almost late for work.

She immediately parked the car and got down to go inside the building. Some of the employees were about to greet her but they noticed that she was angry so they just kept silent.

"Looking so pissed in the morning huh" Winter said as she got inside the elevator with Ryujin.

"Shut it Kim, before I decide to kick your ass" Ryujin said and Winter's eyes widened. She was sure that Ryujin never acted that way before

Isa got inside the elevator as well with Jiwon and Chaeyoung

"What's wrong with Ryujin?" Isa whispered to Winter

"I don't know, she even told me to shut up" Winter said and frowned

"Park Jiwon, did Ms. Lee already arrived?" Ryujin asked in a stern tone

"N-not yet Ms. Shin, I didn't saw her at the entrance or at the café" Jiwon said nervously

"Lee Chaeyoung?" Ryujin asked

"No miss, I haven't seen her this morning" Chaeyoung said and gulped

As soon as they got to the floor they got out of the elevator. Before Jiwon and Chaeyoung could leave, Ryujin called for them

"You two, if Ms. Lee arrives tell her to go to my office.... immediately" Ryujin said and the two looked at each other

"Yes Ms. Shin" the two said in unison and quickly went to their office

"She looks really pissed" Winter whispered to Isa

"I know right, did something happened?" Isa asked

"I don't know, she was all cranky this morning" Winter said

The two kept on talking to each other until they reached Ryujin's office.

"Did I told the two of you to follow me?" Ryujin asked as she halted her steps in front of her office door. The two stopped as well

"No" Isa simply said

"So why are you two following me?" Ryujin asked and raised a brow as she faced them

"You look really pissed. We know you haven't seen Chaeryeong for umm, a few days already" Isa said

"So we figured that something happened between the two of you?" Winter asked

"What happens between me and Ms. Lee is out of your guys business. Our problems stay between us only so you two go along and do your work while I do mine" Ryujin said and the two just nodded

"Also, where's Minnie?" Ryujin asked

"She was down at the lobby when I arrived, on the phone with someone I guess" Isa said and Ryujin nodded

"You two can leave" Ryujin said and the two nodded. Ryujin went inside her office and closed the door, she walked towards her desk and say down on her chair. She glanced at her phone and sighed

"She won't really talk to me huh? it's been days" Ryujin muttered


"What are we going to do?! Chaeryeong's not here!!" Jiwon panicked

"Calm your ass down, I'm sure she just have some family matters to do or maybe an emergency" Chaeyoung said as Jiwon was walking back and fort

"You're making me dizzy, can you stop that?" Seoyeon said and rolled her eyes

"I'm just nervous because Ms. Shin looks so angry and she was asking us about Chaeryeong when even I can't contact her for three days already" Chaeyoung reasoned

"Maybe she's sick? she would at least tell you guys right?" Seoyeon guessed

"Sick? how come she would get sick? I mean she has been in a week off and then- oh shit, it rained the other day right?" Chaeyoung asked and Jiwon nodded

"Maybe she's sick, you can ask her or you can ask Ms. Minnie. She and Chaeryeong are close too" Seoyeon suggested and the two nodded

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