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"How's your honeymoon you two?" Minni asked as she entered Chaeryeong's office. Ryujin was with her since morning, she didn't want to leave the younger

"It was amazing" Chaeryeong said and chuckled

"I'm glad you two had an amazing honeymoon. Went to a lot of places?" Minnie asked

"We surely did" Ryujin said and Minnie nodded

"Oh also, the sales rises while you two were gone. I guess it's pretty amazing that we got more consumers over the month" Minnie said and handed the folder to Chaeryeong

"That's nice" Chaeryeong said and opened the folder, Ryujin also looked at it.

"Hey Newly Weds! How was your honeymoon!" Winter greeted as she entered Chaeryeong's office.

"Hi Ms. Winter, it was wonderful" Chaeryeong said and chuckled

"I'm sure you two had quite some of the alone time" Winter teased and all of them chuckled

"By the way, where's Isa?" Minnie asked them

"You didn't know? she went on vacay" Ryujin said and stood up

"Vacay?" Winter asked in confusion

"We told you guys that you can have a two week vacay when we got back from our honeymoon." Chaeryeong said

"WHAT?!" Minnie and Winter asked in shock

"What are you two waiting for? go and have your vacay" Ryujin said and chuckled as the two went out of Chaeryeong's office. They probably had left the company immediately to go out of town.

"Are you sure it was a nice idea to give them two weeks off?" Ryujin asked her wife

"On come on jagi, it's just two weeks and besides they deserve it for working her for a month while we were gone" Chaeryeong said and Ryujin just nodded

"I guess I have to work now, call me if anything comes up okay?" Ryujin told her wife and Chaeryeong nodded. She gave her wife a kiss first before leaving to go to her own office.

Chaeryeong's POV

I really had fun during our honeymoon. We didn't had too much of the intimate alone time because Ryujin wanted the both of us to go to all of the places around there. I even got to taste different types of food there, their cuisine was just wonderful.

During our stay, Ryujin would spoil me with by buying everything that I said that look nice on any of the shops we entered.

We were now back in Korea to work. Chaeyeon unnie even delivered some flowers to the house as a greeting from our honeymoon. Oh, she also now has a kid with Sakura unnie, I forgot to tell you guys that the year before me and Ryujin got married, she was already pregnant with their first baby, now she's having their second one. I'm also just as proud of her, I can't believe that the both of us our now having our own families.

Since it was break time and Ryujin still had a meeting I went down to get some coffee. I reached the café and got what I normally order. Later on I went back up and took a sip of the coffee.

I suddenly didn't like how it tasted. It made me want to throw up, just in time, Jiwon and Chaeyoung unnie went inside my office.

"Hey Chaer" they greeted me and I just smiled at them

"Hi unnies" I said and placed my coffe down. Then suddenly, I felt something weird in my stomach.

"Umm, are you okay? you don't seem fine today" Chaeyoung unnie told me.

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