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Chaeryeong's POV

"It's because I like you Chaeryeong" Ryujin said and my eyes widened from her response

"W-what?" I asked, stunned from her answer

"I like you, I've never felt something like this towards anyone and you're just different from all of those secretaries I had" she said and I looked at her eyes shyly.

She then sat on the chair across mine and we were dangerously close to each other.

"I'm not sure if you'll be fine with it but I just wanted to be honest with you Chaeryeong" she told me and I felt my heart beating like crazy. Why does my own boss need to sound so sweet?!?!

I was again deep in my thoughts as I stared at her but my world suddenly froze when she went closer to me once again.


My heart was beating crazy once again, her face coming closer to mine and that's when I felt her lips against my own. It was soft just like the last time.

I can't deny that I do have romantic feelings for my boss. I gently brought my hands up to her face, cupping her cheeks. I then felt her lips move against mine. I felt my heart bursting when she held my waist.

We parted away when she noticed I was in need of air. I looked into her eyes and she was smiling at me.

"I guess you do have a crush on me" she said and it made me blush. I immediately retreated my hands from her cheeks and looked down on my lap.

"Don't be so shy now, you were just kissing me back a while ago" she said as she held my chin up to look at her.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure that what we have won't affect your work. I'm practically your boss" she said and chuckled

"Yes Ms. Shin" I suddenly said and she raised a brow at me

"I mean, Yes Ryujin" I said and she chuckled. She gave me a light peck on the lips before standing up.

"You can go change now, I'll try to call you over after my lunch with my sister. Do you want to join us?" she asked me

"No thank you, I-I'll be fine here" I stuttered and I mentally cursed at myself

"Are you sure?" she asked me and I nodded

"Okay, I'll see you later Chaeryeong" she said and kissed my temple which made me blush. I went off to my own office and that's when I started freaking out.


What were you thinking Lee Chaeryeong?! Oh my god, why did I kissed her back?!?

Well maybe it was because her lips looks so soft and she looks both handsome and hot- oh fuck it Chaeryeong, stop thinking about your boss! You have a freaking test to answer online

I hurriedly sat down on the chair and opened my laptop so that I could answer the test. I couldn't focus much because all that's in my kind was how Ryujin kissed me and how her hand held my waist.

I actually passed the test so I sighed in relief and then went to put on the shirt that Ryujin let me borrowed. At least it was matching with my skirt because if not I would definitely look weird.

Ryujin's POV

I just kissed Chaeryeong once again and I don't regret it. Fuck, her lips were so soft and I know I'll get addicted to it later on.

I went to drive to the restaurant that I got a reservation to and Yuna just texted me minutes ago that she was already there waiting for me.

After a few minutes of driving I finally reached the restaurant and parked my car. I got down and went inside the restaurant, I saw Yuna seated at the corner. I went towards her

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