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Ryujin woke up early for work. She remembered that Chaeryeong wouldn't be going with her since she was given a week off

"Ms. Shin, your driver has arrived" one of her maids said

"Ah yes, thank you" Ryujin said and the maid nodded and went off to do some other chores. Ryujin got her things and went down so that she could leave for work early.

It felt weird for Ryujin that Chaeryeong wasn't around for work even though it just had been a few while that Chaeryeong started to work in her company.

After a few minutes they finally arrived at the company and Ryujin thanked her driver. She got down and got inside, as usual she was greeted by the employees around and she looked at them back with a smile.

Ryujin got inside the elevator and got met up by the three.

"I see Ms. Shin is alone today" Winter teased and chuckled

"Good day Winter" Ryujin said as she just keeps a straight face

"So, where's Chaeryeong. She wouldn't miss a day at work if I'm correct" Isa said

"I gave her a week off" Ryujin simply said

"Yes, a week off" Ryujin said and then the elevator doors opened and they went out. The three kept following Ryujin

"How were you able to give her a week off? you didn't even had meetings or went to work during the weekend" Winter said

"It's none of your business Winter Ryujin said

"Wait Minnie, you've been quiet. Do you know all about this?" Winter asked the other and Minnie nodded

"Ah yah! I thought you'll be telling me everything" Winter whined at Ryujin

"Gosh Winter, it's not like you're Ryujin's girlfriend" Isa said and rolled her eyes

"Exactly, so I guess you three could go back to work right?" the two nodded but Winter crossed her arms

"Stop acting like a child before I call your fiancée to get you here" Ryujin warned Winter and Winter groaned as she left Ryujin's office.

As soon as Winter left, Ryujin grabbed her phone to message Chaeryeong.

Chaeryeong 😘
8:31 am

good morning baby,
are you awake now?

yes, good morning too

how was your sleep? did
you get enough rest?

i did, i finished all of my
homeworks in my marketing

how about you? did you
get some rest?

of course I did, I did wished
I slept with you. I miss your scent

it hasn't been a day yet and
you already miss me

what can I say? I love you so

how funny of you, aren't you
supposed to be doing work?

i'll be doing that in a few minutes
i want to talk to you first. can I call

sure, hang on a minute



"Yes I'm here, good morning"

"Gosh, you have a very sweet voice. I think it was a good idea to call you"

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