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Ryujin's POV

I immediately pulled her by the neck and capture her lips. I was already half anked. My lower area was exposed and I was still in mu sports bra. Chaeryeong kept grinding on my length as she moaned as we kissed.

"You're so sexy baby" I muttered before kissing down along her neck. I nipped at her skin, sucking on it to leave a mark again.

She letout a breathy moan as I suck on her skin. I parted away and was proud, the mark was so obvious, she's mine.

"I... I want more baby please~" she begged and I dipped my hand in her panties. She looks so hot in her black bikini, I shoudl've bought more for her if she would be this hot all the time.

"Oh baby~" she whimpered as I started playing with her clit. Her eyes were shut and she was biting her bottom lip from the pleasure she was getting.

"You like that? you like how the way I touch you?" I husked lowly in her ear

"Ahh~" she moaned once again.

Since I didn't want anyone to see us here outside. I carried her to our room. She busily nipped at my skin as her hand was tangled in my hair. Once we reached the room, I put her down on the bed and hovered on top of her.

I nipped at the skin on her chest and she was moaning loudly.

"Baby~ I need you, I'm so wet~" She begged

I then removed her top and then threw them on the floor. I don't care if the bed gets wet from her body, all I care is to make her feel satisfied. I sucked on her nipples making sure I gave attention to both. She was squirming beneath me, wanting more as I continued to suck on her nipples.

After doing so, I removed her panties and drop them on the floor. She looks so fucking gorgeous as always.

"Hurry~" she begged once again.

She threw her head back as I eagerly lick on her slit. She was enjoying it and so am I. I feel myself getting hard once again. How come she can do this to me, she makes me horny and hard all of the time. I pinned her hips down to prevent her from moving but she kept on bucking her hips ip to meet my tongue's thrust.

"So sweet baby" I husked


"Are you that needy baby? need my cock in you?" I asked as I hovered on top of her and bit her earlobe which made her moan once again. She nodded from my question and suddenly pushed me down on the bed. She kneeled down and started stoking my cock again.

"Fuck Chaer-"

I didn't want her to suck me, she already did that and it was my turn to return the favor to her. I pushed her back down and her breathing started to go rapid. She was excited for sure.

"Give it to me Ryujin, I need you right now!" she moaned loudly and I didn't wait any longer. I grabbed a condom from the drawer and ripped it off with my teeth. I rolled it on my cock quickly and looked at her.

"Tell me if it's too much" I said and she nodded. I inserted my cock in her wet pussy and we both moaned from the sensation.

She was tight, just how I liked it. She was gripping on the bed sheets and she kept on whimpering as I thrusted inside of her.

"Fuck Chaeryeong, you feel so good" I groaned and she pulled me into a kiss to shut her moans. I kept thrusting deeper and deeper and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Both of us were sweating already and she looks so fucking hot.

"Oh~ Right there Ryu~" she mewled and I slowed down my pace a little, making her feel my cock inside her pussy.

"O-oh~ keep going baby, I'm close" she moaned and I did as so. As I continued, she sunked her nails on my back. I'm sure it would leave some marks but who cares, it was made by my gorgeous girlfriend afterall.

"I love you Chaer" I said to her

"I-I love you too" she was able to say back.

Our lips moved in sync as I thrusted deeper, keeping my pace the same and tha way she wanted to. I was also getting close and I saw her face scrunching up

"Baby~ I-"

"Let go for me baby" I cooed and she gripped on my shoulders tightly, whimpering and moaning as I kept on thrusting.

She then screamed as she reached her high and released all over my covered cock and on the bed sheets. I also exploded in the condom and both of us were panting heavily. As I pulled out of her, I removed the cum filled condom, tied it and threw it at the bin.

I laid down on the bed and faced her to make sure she was okay.

"Are you okay baby?" I asked her

"I'm great" she said and both of us chuckled. I brushed off the hair that was covering her face and brought her closer to me. 

I kissed her forehead as she hid her face on the crook of my neck.

"You're being a lot horny lately" I said to her and I heard her chuckle.

"How can I not be? you're hot" she said and it was my turn to chuckle.

"Well you're gorgeous but I do think you need some rest from our intimate sessions baby. You're still studying and I don't want to tire you out so much" I said to her and caressed her hair

"Yeah, maybe I should. Will I still get my cuddles tho?" she asked me

"Of course you will" I said to her and she smiled at me.

"Hmm, I love you Ryujin. Thank you for taking care of me, a lot" she said

"No need to thank me baby, you deserve everything, I love you too" I said to her and I covered us with the duvet and went off to sleep. We could just wash up in the morning I guess....

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