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Third Person's POV

"Hey!! you have to tell me what happened!" Natty shouted across the kitchen as she chased after the girl.

"It was real... it was real.... oh my god..... IT WAS FREAKING REAL!!!" Chaeryeong panicked and finally looked at Natty

"What is real? tell me!" Natty asked

"Ms. Shin held my hand!!!" Chaeryeong squealed and plopped herself on her bed and screamed.

"Oh... just that?" Natty asked confusingly

"You don't get it Natty" Chaeryeong said and sighed as she sat up from her bed

"She's like umm... you know acting like a girlfriend or something?" Chaeryeong asked

"Eh? how come?" Natty asked

"Well, a while ago, I was at the lounge doing some school work and all then she came inside the lounge and started teaching me about the topic I was having a hard time on and then she was like flirting with me. She asked if I had a crush on her" Chaeryeong said and then gripped on her hair out of frustration

"What did you say then?" Natty asked, starting to be interested

"Of course I kept quiet, she's my boss" Chaeryeong said and started blushing since she remembered how her boss acted towards her at the meeting room.

"Oh, you're in big trouble babe, you have a crush on your boss!!!" Natty squealed and hugged Chaeryeong

"This isn't something to be celebrating Natty, I'm definitely confused, is she like hitting on me or not? because...."

"Oh, so you do like her.... you want to be a thing with your boss huh?" Natty teased and smirk

"Ah yah!" Chaeryeong whined

"Not gonna lie tho, your boss looks hot to be honest and adding to that she has a di-"
Chaeryeong quickly covered Natty's mouth.

"You dirty minded girl, I don't think like that okay?!?" Chaeryeong scolded

"Well I mean, there would be a time where you'll be thinking about those. Remember, a woman has her own personal needs and by that a woman also has sexual needs so..." Natty trailed off and smirked at Chaeryeong

"Ah jinjja, you're not helping me" Chaeryeong huffed.

"Aigoo, you're stressing too much about that, remember that your birthday will be in two days. Don't worry even though I can't join you on your birthday I'll send you a gift okay?" Natty said and Chaeryeong nodded with a smile

(Chaeryeong's birthday here in the story is different since I need her to be at least 20 in this book so that we can have mature scenes 😏)


Morning came and Chaeryeong quickly got ready since she doesn't know what time the company driver will be picking her up and drive her to Ryujin's place. After eating her breakfast, taking a bath and getting ready she went down outside of the apartment and waited for the company driver to arrive. It was just 6 am in the morning and it was really cold outside. Chaeryeong waited and after a few minutes, a car stopped right in front of her.

"Get in Ms. Lee" the driver said as he put down the car window

"U-uh nae" Chaeryeong said and got inside the passengers seat. She only looked outside, not really looking at the driver. After a few while, they finally reached Ryujin's house, since Chaeryeong was still new she really didn't know if she needs to go inside the house or not

"You should get inside the house Ms. Lee, you have to help Ms. Shin get ready" the driver said

"Do you mean like getting dressed?" Chaeryeong asked and looked at the driver, she sure wasn't going to do that

She's My Boss | RyuryeongWhere stories live. Discover now