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Years Later.....

"Sweetheart, hurry up now. We'll be late to work" Chaeryeong said to their five year old daughter.

"Nae~" her daughter answered

As Chaeryeong grabbed her bag and wore her earrings she went over to her daughter's room and saw the little girl struggling.

"I told you that you don't have to dress like me sweetheart" Chaeryeong said and chuckled. She then helped her daughter put on the coat on.

"Okay, let's go now" Chaeryeong said and held the little girl's hand.

They both went down the stairs and out of the house to where their driver was.

"Good day Mrs. Shin" the driver said and bowed

"Good day as well, please drive us to the company" Chaeryeong said and the driver nodded as he opened the door for them. Chaeryeong and her daughter, Rihyun then went inside of the car.

They drove off to the company and they reached the place in just a few minutes.
When they arrived and got inside, they were greeted by a lot of the staffs. Rihyun was smiling widely as she looked up to the older ones.

They both got inside the elevator to go up to the office. Chaeryeong was still working as a Secretary and she didn't mind it at all, she loves working anyways.

"Mommy" Rihyun called

"Yes sweetheart" Chaeryeong said softly as they went inside her office.

"Is eomma having a meeting?" Rihyun asked

"Yeah, but she'll be here in a few minutes okay? don't worry sweetheart" Chaeryeong said and kissed the top of her daughter's head.

Chaeryeong was now busily checking some papers from the drawers as Rihyun was seated by the couch her feet dangling off the edge.

At that time, Ryujin slowly and quietly entered her wife's office.  Rihyun immediately stood up to greet her but Ryujin motioned her to keep quiet. Rihyun nodded and giggled softly as she watches her eomma walk towards her mommy.

"Rihyun sweetheart, are you alr-"
Chaeryeong was cut off when she felt someone hug her from behind, she turned and was glad to see the older.

"Good morning jagi" Ryujin said softly and Chaeryeong immediately wrapped her arms around the older's neck.

"Good morning" Chaeryeong said back softly and pecked Ryujin's lips.  Ryujin then chuckled and started peppering kisses on her wife's face

"Okay, it's my turn to get kissies!" Rihyun exclaimed as she went over to her parents.

Both Ryujin and Chaeryeong chuckled, they parted away from the hug and Ryujin lifted Rihyun up. She placed kisses on their daughter's cheeks and forehead.

"I told that you two should go to my office once you arrived" Ryujin said and chuckled

"What's the use of my office then when I won't go here?" Chaeryeong asked as she got Rihyun from Ryujin. The little girl wanted to be carried by her mommy.

"Just an extra office, you could always stay at my office jagi, especially that you need to rest more again" Ryujin said and led her wife and daughter out of Chaeryeong's office to go to her own office.

"Ryujin, it's still too early" Chaeryeong said and placed Rihyun down.

"Still my love, I don't want to risk anything" Ryujin said and kissed Chaeryeong's temple.

Ryujin let her wife and daughter sit down on the couch that she had in the office and by that time, some people went inside the office.

"Aunt Minnie!" Rihyun exclaimed and ran towards the said girl

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