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Chaeryeong's POV

I woke up early today and since I was all better already I decided to go to work. I don't want to dissapoint Ms. Shin again and I don't want to get fired especially that they would probably gt me a high pay for working.

I got out of bed and then took a bath first. After that, I pick out some nice office clothes which were the ones that me and the other unnies bought the other day, hopefully I'm not that overdressed for work.

(What Chaeryeong was wearing)

After changing, I first got all of my thing such as my bag, my personal neccesities, my laptop and some files that I might need in the office

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After changing, I first got all of my thing such as my bag, my personal neccesities, my laptop and some files that I might need in the office. I hurriedly brought them downstairs and made myself some breakfast.

It was already around 6:50 when I got finished eating and washing the dishes. I went to my bathroom to brush my teeth and went off for work.

I'm starting to think that I need to get a car now especially that I will be going back and forth often. Riding the bus is quite a hassle especially if I'll ever be late for work.

I rode a different bus off to work, since I guess the one I usually ride went off early. It took around 10 minutes for me to reach my stop and its a good thing that my work starts at 7:30 in the morning so I was 15 minutes early

I made my way to the building and entered, of course, greeting the security guard as I entered. As soon as I got in, I saw Jiwon unnie and Chaeyoung unnie running towards me

"Are you better now?"

"We heard you got sick"

"You should've told us"

"We totally got worried"

They kept going on and on which made it hard for me to answer.

"Unnies, I'm fine so don't worry" I told them and smiled

"We're glad you're fine, we really got worried. Even some of the members in the other department were. Well, except for Yiren of course, that girl is so-"

"Ms. Lee, you're back" we heard and we turned to see Ms. Minnie walking towards us.

"Good day Miss" I greeted and bowed

"Good day Ms. Lee, we're glad you're back. Do you feel better today?" she asked me

"Yes Miss, I'm better now" I said and smiled. She smiled at me as well.

"I like your outfit, it goes well with the theme for today" she said which made me confused

"Theme?" I asked

"Oh, today's coffee day! it's something that we celebrate around here since Ms. Shin's mother loves coffee a lot" Chaeyoung unnie said but suddenly she got elbowed by Jiwon unnie. Maybe she wasn't supposed to say that.

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