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Chaeryeong's POV

"Hello again Ms. Lee" the person said with a smirk

"M-Ms. Wang...." I muttered softly and gulped

My heart was beating fast, I was panicking. Why was she here? how? she already got fired right?

"W-why are you here?" I asked, trying to sound tough in front of her

"Well, you're finding new employees right? I want to accept the offer and apply" she said and walked towards me. It made me nervous when she walked closer to me.

"You didn't bring any resume, what do you really want?" I asked and looked at her, not wanting to be weak.

She then smirked at me and stood up properly as she crossed her arms.

"You know what I want Lee, actually, you even stole it from me" she said and went to the shelves, checking at the things that were put there. I stood up so I could talk to her more properly.

"I didn't stole anything from you Ms. Wang so I think you don't have the right to say that I stold something from you" I said and she turned to face me. She had a smirk on her lips and it made me scared. She could do anything to me especially that Ryujin was in a meeting...

"Don't you act dumb with me Lee!" she shouted at me and it made me flinch. I never liked it when someone shouts at me

"You knew well that I like Ryujin and what did you do?! Flirt with her? fucked with her?! you're a fucking slut!" she yelled at me and it made me mad, she can't just talk about me like that.

"For your information Ms. Wang I didn't took Ryujin away from you. She was the one who wanted me. YOU ONLY WANTED HER BECAUSE OF HER BODY!" I yelled back and she was now in anger

"Why? didn't you also liked her because of her body, you two fucked whenever and wherever you want to? so dissapointing for a college student, fucking around with her boss" she said and chuckled lowly.

How could she.... was she stalking us? How did she knew all about this?

"I know a lot Lee, and if I were you, you should break it off with Ryujin before you embarass yourself and your school" she said and walked closer to me. Every step she went closer, I took a step back.

"YOU TOOK RYUJIN AWAY FROM ME!" She yelled and pushed me aggresively, my body and head hit the wall.

I dropped to the floor, not being able to hear clearly but I heard a loud voice boom inside of the office, I couldn't make up who owns the voice.


"WANG YIREN! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE!" Ryujin shouted and walked towards Yiren to push her aside but then her heart shatted upon seeing Chaeryeong on the floor, supporting the back of her head.


(Chaeryeong's POV)

"Chaeryeong!" I heard, I looked up and it was Ryujin, she looked at me worriedly and held me.

"What did she do to you? huh?" she looked at me as tears flowed down to her cheeks. I couldn't make up any words she was saying, my mind was clouded.

"YIREN" she shouted and turn to face her, I felt a little bit weak but I felt someone holding me and caressing my back.


As soon as Ryujin went inside of Chaeryeong's office Jiwon and Chaeyoung went too since they had to give something. But both were shocked to see Yiren in the office and to see Chaeryeong on the floor. The two quickly checked on Chaeryeong as Ryujin talked to Yiren, well, more likely hurting her....

"What did you do to her!" Ryujin yelled and pushed Yiren against the wall, gripping on her shoulders tightly.

"M-Ms. Shin" Yiren muttered softly, she was scared from Ryujin's sudden attitude

"TELL ME YOU BITCH!" Ryujin shouted and put her hand around the girl's neck, choking her.

Yiren started squirming, she felt like suffocating

"Yah Ryujin! Stop that!" Minnie said and pushed Ryujin away. She didn't want Ryujin to hurt Yiren because for sure she could go to jail.

Ryujin was breathing heavily, she was filled with anger.

"Ryujin, you almost killed her" Winter said and looked at the CEO

"Bring her to the police station, file for an assault" Ryujin said and glared at Yiren. She then went back to Chaeryeong who was being attended by Chaeyoung and Jiwon.

Chaeyoung and Jiwon moved aside to give space to Ryujin. Ryujin then carried Chaeryeong bridal style and went to the couch of the office. She sat down and sighed.

"Get me an ice pack" Ryujin said and the two girls nodded.

They came back with the ice pack and left to leave the two alone. Minnie and Winter also left with Yiren but they went to the police station to report what Yuren had done.


(back to Chaeryeong's POV)

I felt something cold on the back of my head. I turned to look at Ryujin and her eyes were full of worry.

"Does it hurt jagi?" she asked me softly. To be honest, it didn't hurt that bad, maybe it was just because it was sudden.

I shook my head at her and she sighed. She puts down the ice pack and placed me on her lap then hugged me closer to her. She kept caressing my back to make me feel better as I hid my face on the crook of her neck

"I'm so sorry jagi, you got hurt again" she said, her voice was trembling.

"It's not your fault Ryujin" I said to her softly, still my face hidden at the crook of her neck

"But I said I would protect you and not get you hurt" she said and held my hand

"It was just sudden Ryujin, she came here without telling and then she did it. It didn't hurt that much, it made me shock that's all" I said but she shook her head

"I should've known she would attack you, she wanted you to break up with me but I won't let that happen" she said and squeezed my hand. She let out a sigh again and I could hear her cry. I looked at her and there were tears falling to her cheek.

"Please don't cry baby" I said softly and pecked her lips. She must've been so worried about me.

"I.... I just don't want you to get hurt jagi, I don't want to lose you" she said as tears continued to fall to her cheek.

I pouted from what she said and then hugged her. I knew how much she cares for me and I know that she wants me to be safe all of the time.

She then decided that the both of us would go home early today since Ms. Minnie and Ms. Winter were back.

When we got home she took full care of me. She didn't let me out of bed unless I really needed to. She cooked for me and made sure my back and head weren't in pain.

"Tell me if you feel anything bad okay? I'm just here" she said and I nodded. We were now both in the bedroom. I was resting my head on her chest as her arm was around my shoulder. I felt safe everytime I'm with her....

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