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Chaeryeong's POV

We were already ordering some coffee and then I looked at the time, Ms. Shin should get her coffee by now. So I quickly added up her coffee to my order and gave my ID pass so that the cashier lady could let me buy it. After that, I got my order and my ID.

"Where you off to Chaeryeong?" Jiwon unnie asked me

"Well, I need to give Ms. Shin her coffee now, I'll be back with you unnies later" I told them and they nodded.

I made my way to the elevators so that I could go to Ms. Shin's office. I checked my watch and it was a few minutes late than the time I should be already there. I hope she doesn't scold me for being a little late.

I went towards the door of her office and knocked on it.

"Come in" I heard so I patted off my skirt in case there was any dirt on it. I then slowly opened the door and saw Ms. Shin working on her laptop.

"Sorry for being late miss but here's your coffee" I told her and placed the coffee on her table

"Thank you Ms. Lee" she said and then smiled at me, she then looked at me up and down.
I guess she noticed the shoes

"Oh, uhm... thank you for the heels Ms. Shin, I appreciate it" I said and she nodded

"I'm glad you like it, anyways-" she was then cut off when someone went inside the office room.

"Ryu, where is Chaeryeong? we should be moving her to the- Oh, you're here Ms. Lee" it was Ms. Winter

"Good day Ms. Winter" I greeted and bowed at her, she did the same and faced Ms. Shin.

Ryujin's POV

When Chaeryeong entered my office, I felt happy to see her. Especially that she wore the heels that I bought for her.

I was about to ask something from her but then Winter had to interrupt the both of us.
After she greets Chaeryeong, she went towards me.

"What do you need Winter?" I asked her

"Um regarding to Ms. Lee since you actually told the Sons that she's your secretary, are you sure about that now?" she asked me

"Winter, do you think I was joking about it?" I asked her and raised a brow

"Uh, n-no?"

"See, so I'm serious about it" I told her and she nodded

"So will she go to the secretary's office now?" she asked me and then I looked at Chaeryeong quickly and she just smiled.

"Ms. Lee" I called for her

"Yes Miss?" she turned to me

"Since you're now my secretary, will it be fine with you to stay at the office across mine?" I asked her and she looks shocked

"P-pardon miss?" she asked and I chuckled. I stood up from my chair and led her to the other office just across mine. 

"This is the secretary's office, since I've considered that you'll now be my new secretary" I said to her

"But I haven't signed any papers yet Miss" she said

"Then we could go over that later, if, that's okay with you?" I asked as I turned to face her.

"How about the marketing team? I can't just leave them" she said worriedly

"Well Ms. Lee, do you like being on the marketing team?" Winter asked her

"I actually like it there, the other members are actually kind" she said and I think I should consider some things.

"Okay how about this, you can still work as the head of the marketing team, but I will only allow you to do a few tasks since you're already my secretary. Along with that, you can always choose where to stay, whether it be in this office or there at the marketing department office. Will that be fine Ms. Lee?" I asked her

"Yes Miss Shin, thank you so much" she said and I nodded with a smile

"Okay, I think Ms. Winter can help you around and if you have any other problems you can ask her, Ms. Minnie, Ms. Isa or me okay?" I told her and she nodded.

I then left the secretary's office and went back to mine.

"Look who's being all smiley in the morning" I heard and look at the person who was at the couch in my office.

"Hwangs and Yuna, what are you guys doing here?" I asked them

"Nothing, just wanted to see how your work is going" Yeji unnie said and I nodded

"What about you Yuna?" I asked her, she rarely visits me

"Well, your butler told me that appa was coming to town so I quickly went here, I don't want to see him" she said. It was a good thing she was starting to hate dad a lot as she should. I don't want anything bad to happen to her.

"So Chaeryeong's your secretary now?" Lia asked me and I hummed as an answer

"She seems happy tho" Yeji unnie said and then I took a glance on the window where I could see her talking with Winter and Minnie.

"Unnie, you're staring at her a lot and I'm sure she'll melt. Are you having a crush on Chaer unnie?" Yuna asked me and I suddenly shook my head

"W-what?" I asked

"Oh... she stuttered. So you do have a crush on her" Yeji unnie teased

"No I don't" I said and went back to my desk.

"Really? then who gave her those heels? those are some high quality heels and those can't be from Yuna" Lia unnie said and my eyes widened.

"Oh, so Shin bought her secretary some heels. How sweet and romantic" Yeji unnie teased once again

"If you're just going to tease me, can you please leave my office?" I said to them and rolled my eyes on them.

"Nope, we're joining you for lunch" Yuna said

"And do bring Chaeryeong along, she's your secretary after all" Lia unnie said and I feel myself heating up. Arggh, why does Chaeryeong have this affect on me

"So?" Yeji unnie asked

"Fine, you guys can wait for us down at the lobby" I told them and they nodded. They finally left my office and I went back to my desk to do some extra work.

After for some time, I think it was tome to have some lunch. I got off from my seat and checked if Chaeryeong was in her own office.

Good thing she was there, I could ask her privately.

I knocked on the door first of course

"Come in please" I heard her say softly so I gently turned the door knob open and went inside.

"Ms. Lee, I'll be having dinner with my sister and my friends, would you care to join us" I said to her

"Yes Miss, I'll just finish this up" she said, referring to the files she was printing. I nodded and waited for her there.

"Oh uhm, you can wait for me outside Ms. Shin" she said shyly

"Okay, I'll be waiting outside" I said to her and she nodded

I went out of her office and waited for a while. She then finally went out of her office.

"Let's go?" I asked her

"Nae" she said and then we both went to the elevator.

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