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It was already 5:30 pm, the time that Chaeryeong should be heading home already.

"Unnie, won't you really go home yet?" Yuna asked worriedly

"i can't Yuna, Ms. Shin told me that I should work until 7pm" Chaeryeong said and sighed. She continued to type down on the keyboard

"Isn't it almost time for your online class?" Yuna asked

"Y-yeah" Chaeryeong muttered. She then got out her own laptop and opened it. Of course she opened where her lessons could be found.

As she worked, she also listened to the discussion. Yuna on the other hand said that she'll just get something quick downstairs and Chaeryeong let her.

"Chaeryeong, we'll be leaving now. Are you gonna be fine?" Jiwon asked worriedly

"I will, don't worry unnies, I'll be done with this quickly anyways" Chaeryeong said and the two nodded and left the office room.

The people who were only left in the office was Chaeryeong and Yiren. Chaeryeong really didn't talked to Yiren right after what happened, she knew it was Yiren's doing that made Ms. Shin mad at her.

"Serves you right school girl" Yiren said as she walked towards the younger's desk

"I don't have time for you Ms. Wang" Chaeryeong said and continued to type

"Neither do I, I just want to tell you that you are really not for this job. Sooner or later, Ms. Shin would just have to fire you" Yiren said and chuckled evily

"Anyways, since you're the one who has the punishment, I'll just leave you to suffer" Yiren said and grabbed her things. Chaeryeong furrowed her brows, annoyed by the other girl.

As Yiren went out, some of the lights in the office turned off, the only light that was on was the one in her area.

She let out a sigh, she was tired already. She never really worked this late and its starting to make her head hurt. She was starting to tear up again because of this. Suddenly, her phone rang.



"Oh, Chaeyeon unnie. You called" she said and wiped off her tears

"I told you I'll call two times every time now. Also, are you crying?"

"N-no.... I'm fine unnie don't worry"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes unnie"

"Well, are you still at work? I can't hear any other noise. You usually play music when you're at home"

"I'm still at work unnie, almost done"

"But its already 6:00 pm Ryeong, you should be back at your place by now"

"I just got some extra work you know? I'm fine anyways. Yuna is still here waiting for me, she said she'll accompany me until I get done"

"Who's your boss? I'll talk to her. Making you work this late is a big no, especially that you're just 19!"

"Unnie its no big deal, I'm fine okay?"

"Tsk, if you get sick because of working late, tell me, I'll go back to Korea just to scold your boss"

"I won't, anyways, shouldn't you and Sakura unnie be at work right now?"

"Well, we don't have work at the moment, we're here at the house with the kids. Sakura's playing genshin"

"Oh, okay unnie well, I have to continue working. You can call again next time"

"Okay, stay safe Ryeong, and take care of yourself. I love you"

"You too unnie, I love you too"


Chaeryeong ended the call and sighed she felt so drained but yet she had to balance work and her studies in the same time. She just wanted to finish college to make her parents proud.

"Not yet leaving little Shin?" Yeji asked, they were at the company's café right now and just having a quick talk

"I'll wait for Chaeryeong unnie, I'll treat her dinner for tonight since Ryujin unnie is being such a big asshole. Yujin said she'll pick us up by 7" Yuna said and the other two nodded

"That's so mean of Ryujin, I actually think that she and Chaeryeong could like be a thing since both of them likes to work a lot" Yeji said

"Hmm, but I don't think Chaeryeong would like to interact with Ryujin at the moment" Lia said and the two agreed

"Well, I'll go get Chaeryeong unnie now, Yujin's waiting outside. How about you unnies?" Yuna asked

"We'll wait for Ryujin, she's doing overtime as well" Yeji said and Yuna nodded

She went to the elevator and made her way up to the marketing department office. She noticed that the other lights were already off

"Strange, is Chaeryeong unnie the one left working?" Yuna asked herself and finally reached the office

"Unnie?" Yuna called but then she went further inside the office and frowned. Chaeryeong looks exhausted. She was already sleeping, resting her head on her arm, both her laptop and the desktop were turned on.

Her laptop was still playing the video of the lesson she needed to learn today and on the desktop was the other designs that she was asked to do.

"Unnie, hey, we'll get you home" Yuna said soflty as she tapped the older's arm

"Unnie, Chaeryeong unnie"

"H-huh?" Chaeryeong flinched and suddenly woke up.

"I-I'm sorry, I'll go home now, I just-"

"Calm down unnie, its just me" Yuna said and held the older's arms.

"Yuna?" Chaeryeong asked and rubbed her eyes

"Yes unnie, let's pack your things and get you home. I called Yujin so that you don't need to ride the bus" Yuna said but Chaeryeong furrowed her eyebrows.

"W-What about work?" Chaeryeong asked

"Unnie, that doesn't matter right now, come on, we'll go home" Yuna said and helped Chaeryeong with her things. They got out of the office and of course, Yuna turned off the lights and went down with the older. They got out of the building and saw Yujin waiting

"So, dinner at-"

"Not now Yujin, we need to take Chaeryeong unnie home already. She's tired" Yuna said worriedly and let Chaeryeong sit at the backseat

"Really? okay then, let's go" Yujin said and they got inside the car

Yujin drove them off to the apartment that Chaeryeong stays at. When they arrived they quickly parked the car.

Yuna joined in bringing Chaeryeong upstairs, just to make sure the older would get home safely.

"Here unnie, luckily Yujin got you take out. Eat dinner okay?" Yuna said as she handed the bag of food and Chaeryeong nodded

"Thank you Yuna, I'll go get some rest, you go home now as well okay?" Chaeryeong said and Yuna nodded as well. They shared a quick hug first before Yuna went off with Yujin.

Chaeryeong let out a sigh and put her things on the table counter. She was very tired, her back hurts, her head aches and she feels very sleepy already.

She didn't mind to eat anymore since all she wanted to do was sleep. She took a shower and changed into comfortable clothes. Later on she plopped herself on her bed and laid down to sleep

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