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Ryujin's POV

I have messaged Yuna already a while ago, asking if she was fine because she hadn't talked to me since this morning. Maybe it was because I have done something bad to her friend which was Lee Chaeryeong.

As usual, I did my work so that I could get done for today. I really need a secretary soon because if not, I would be probably very tired every single day.

I then heard a knock on the door, of course I let the person in.

"Ms. Shin, we hadn't got any reports from the marketing department" Mashiro told me which made me furrow my eyebrows

"Marketing?" I asked and she just nodded, Minnie then followed going inside the office

"For sure it's with Ms. Lee, she had been working on it since last week if I could remember" Minnie told me

"Ask it from Ms. Wang, I'm sure she knows where it is" I said and Minnie looked at me furiously. Mashiro went out of my office and called for Ms. Wang

"Are you crazy?! I already told you that Yiren doesn't do anything in her department. That's why we hired Chaeryeong for a reason" she told me

"Just wait and see, Yiren told me that she does work and Ms. Lee doesn't so let's see what she has with this situation" I said and Minnie nodded

If Yiren could full me once, then she can't do it twice. Let's see if she could still continue doing some shit in this office.

As I was waiting for Mashiro and Yiren to go to my office, I got a call from my sister.


"Yes Yuna?"

"Well I figured to call you since you left a ton of messages on my phone"

"Oh yeah, sorry about that"

"Anyways if you're wondering, Chaeryeong unnie is fine now. I told her that she could just go to work tomorrow and unnie please don't be an asshole again coz if you do you wouldn't be happy about it"

"And why is that?"

"Coz I'm telling you to Chaeryeong's unnie's older sister and older sister in law and I'm sure they won't hesitate to get mad at you"

"Okay okay, I won't be an asshole"

"Good but I need to go, me, Chaeryeong unnie and Lia unnie are watching movies so bye~"



Just as soon as I ended the call with Yuna, Mashiro and Yiren got inside my office

"You called for me Ms. Shin" Yiren said and I just rolled my eyes on her

"Thank you Mashiro, you can go back to your office now" I told her and she nodded. She left my office and went back to hers.

i noticed Yiren and Minnie goaring at each other, I'm sure they both hate each other.

"So Ms. Wang, do you have the reports that were assigned for your department?" I asked her

"What reports?"

"The monthly reports duh" Minnie said and rolled her eyes

"Anyways, do you have them?" I asked her

"No Ms. Shin, I asked Ms. Lee to do it since she doesn't do anything in the office. Also I sent her a fike as a guide" Yoren said but I won't believe in her immediately.

"Minnie, can you call Ms. Lee and ask her if she got an email from Ms. Wang?" I asked and Minnie nodded. She got her phone and of course dialed Chaeryeong. Afer a few seconds she answered and I told Minnie to put it on speaker.

"Good afternoon Ms. Minnie"

"Good afternoon to you too Chaeryeong, I was just going to asked if you got any email for Ms. Wang Yiren?"

I glanced over Yiren and she looked extra nervous.

"Sorry Miss Minnie but I haven't recieve anything"

"Hmm, do you have the monthly reports for the marketing team?"

"Yes miss but I only have half of it since I just started working at the company, will that be fine?"

"Of course, thank you Chaeryeong and do get some rest"

"Thank you as well Ms. Minnie"

"Lying.... Ms. Wang?" I asked and raised a brow

"I-I'm sorry Ms. Shin, I didn't mean to-"

"Because of this and making me think that Ms. Lee doesn't do her work.... you'll have your salary lessened by 40% percent"


"Why? Its not my fault Ms. Wang and I'm sure you don't do a lot of work around the office. I don't want to hear any complaints from you Ms. Wang so do please go back to your office department" I said and she went out fumbling mad

"Nice one Ryujin, but I'm still not happy for you being all rude to Ms. Lee, she was already on my favorite worker's list" Minnie told me and I just chuckled

"I'm sure she's one of yoyr favorites, anyways, should we head downstairs for some coffee?" I asked and then suddenly I heard someone going inside my office

"I would want some coffee!" it was Winter

"Also, what's with the bitch out down the hallway?" Isa asked

"Eh, a bitch being a bitch, let's just get some coffee" Minnie said and we all went downstairs to the café

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