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Chaeryeong's POV

I'm finally Ms. Shin's secretary. I hope I'll do good in my job and I won't be given a lot of things to do. They did told me that I'll still be working as the head of the marketing team but I'll have lesser tasks to do since I'm Ms. Shin's secretary.

For lunch, Ms. Shin invited me once again along with Yuna, Yeji unnie and Lia unnie. I should be more comfortable now right? since Yuna is there as well as Lia unnie and Yeji unnie.

We reached the lobby area and I was just following Ms. Shin. We were almost heading out to the parking area not until someone called me.

"Ms. Lee!" I turned and then it was Hikaru, she's one of the on-the-job-training students here at the company. Good thing I learned a little bit of Japanese from my sister.


"Ms. Lee, I still haven't finish the file, can you at least send me a guide?" she asked me

"Oh, I've already sent one on your email and there is a sample file attached there. Do you need anything else?" I asked

"Nothing else, thank you so much Ms. Lee" she said with a smile

"No worries, you can have lunch first and I can check the file later on" I told her and she nodded. She then went off, I thought that Ms. Shin went off first before me but she was waiting for me by the entrance.

"Sorry for the delay Ms. Shin, we can go now" I told her apologetically and she just nodded. She led us to her car and let me in the passengers seat once again.

"Ms. Lee, don't I have any important things for today?" Ms. Shin asked me, good thing I got my phone and remembered some of the meetings she'll have.

"Yes Miss. You'll be having a meeting with the Kangs at 1pm, the finance team by 2pm, check some updates from the operating team and then you'll be attending a webinar by 4pm. A special meeting with the Hwangs by 9pm" I told her

"Oh, can you insert some time for me to have dinner with some of my colleagues?" she asked

"Yes Miss" I said to her so I got my phone and typed down on the schedule on my planner notes.

A little later, we finally arrived at the restaurant and it was another fancy one. I think they really like eating out on fancy restaurants.

I was about to get down from the car but Ms. Shin opened the door for me.

"T-thank you Ms. Shin" I said shyly. She's so gentle and very kind towards me.

We both entered the restaurant but she let me inside first. I looked around and saw Yuna and the other unnies already seated. I went towards them but I saw only two seats were available, it was separated from them so I'm sitting beside Ms. Shin once again. Its not that I don't like it but its kind of embarrassing and I get shy when Ms. Shin acts so kind around me.

"Hi Chaeryeong" Yeji unnie and Lia unnie greeted me in unison.

"Hi unnies" I greeted back and bowed at them. I was about to sit down but Ms. Shin moved the seat for me so that I could sit down.

"Thank you Ms. Shin" I said and then I saw Yuna smirking like an idiot. I don't know what's with this kids' mind once again.

"So you two will greet my secretary but not me?" Ms. Shin asked the unnies

"We literally visited you in your office Shin, stop being dramatic" Yeji unnie told her

"Yeah, and it's mot our fault that we can just see Chaeryeong for a few times" Lia unnie added. I just listened to them talking not until Yuna talked to me.

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