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Third Person's POV

Waking up, Chaeryeong stretched her arms and hummed as she felt the pain in her body left. She did have a heavy sleep last night since she was tired from work.

She glanced over the side to see Ryujin still fast asleep. She chuckled and got up a little so that she could pepper kisses on Ryujin's face.

Ryujin's lips formed into a smile as she felt her girlfriend giving her kisses. She then fluttered her eyes open and saw Chaeryeong smiling at her.

"Hmm, goodmorning jagi" Ryujin said and wrapped her arms around the younger

"Good morning to you too baby" Chaeryeong said and pecked Ryujin's lips.

"What time is t already?" Ryujin asked

"6:30" Chaeryeong said and Ryujin carefully sat up. She then caressed the younger's cheek and gave her a sweet kiss.

"We should get ready for work jagi, we have a lot to do today" Ryujin said and Chaeryeong nodded.

They both went down from the bed and Ryujin let Chaeryeong take a bath first as she fixed their bed. After Chaeryeong, Ryujin was next and Chaeryeong was left to prepare some of Ryujin's things. Ryujin got finished after a few minutes and was already dressed in her office wear.

"Baby come here" she heard and went towards the younger who was by the closet. When Ryujin approached her, Chaeryeong put a tie around her neck and neatly fixed it to make Ryujin look presentable.

"There, all done" Chaeryeong said and it made Ryujin chuckle

"Thank you jagi" Ryujin said and hugged the younger. They both went down and had breakfast together. The maids greeted the two good morning and the two did the same to them. After having breakfast and brushing their teeth, the two went off to the company.

As soon as they got their, they head off to work. They did had quite a lot to do today since the three were not around and of course Chaeryeong and Ryujin are working together.

Ryujin had a meeting with the Hwangs in the afternoon and Chaeryeong has to attend the meeting of the VP's of each department in the morning.

Chaeryeong quickly ordered the coffee of both her and Ryujin when it was 8:30 since she has a meeting by 9

"Here's your coffee baby, I'll be back later after the meeting with Jiwon unnie and the others"
Chaeryeong said and Ryujin nodded

"Sure jagi, I know you'll do well" Ryujin said with a smile and pecked the younger's lips.

"Thank you, bye~" Chaeryeong said and went off.

Chaeryeong was then in the meeting, listening to the reports of each of the VP's

"By this, we can rise up the stocks of the company and it would help us to have more income" Jiwon said, explaining their report.

"Okay, well how about the financial income and report? how will we be able to have more income?" Chaeryeong asked

"Well Ms. Lee, we will be rising the prices of our products by 20% since the cost of production has also risen. In this case we won't have any problems that are related to our financial income" Xiaoting said and Chaeryeong nodded

"Thank you Miss Shen, umm.... how is the opening of the shop going?" Chaeryeong asked

"It's going well Ms. Lee, we already hired some employees to be sales clerk and we already taught them about all of the products for them to be aware and for them to exain it to our customers" Mashiro said and Chaeryeong nodded once again.

"Thank you Ms. Sakomoto, so I guess that is all. Thank you for your cooperation today. Any other questions?" Chaeryeong asked with a smile

"Ms. Lee" Chaehyun called

"Yes Ms. Kim?" Chaeryeong asked

"There's quite a problem due to the loss of some employees" Chaehyun said and it made Chaeryeong sighed.

They had quite a loss of employees due to that a lot were complaining for stupid reasons. It was hard especially that the other three weren't around.

"Well, did you put it up online that we're hiring new employees?" Chaeryeong asked

"Yes Miss" Chaehyun said and Chaeryeong nodded

"I think we should just try to share it more online. I'm sure there'll be some people who want to be hired. Give it a day or two and we'll be back in track" Chaeryeong said and the other VP's nodded

"I think that's all, thank you all again for everyone" Chaeryeong said and bowed. They bowed as well and left.

"You seem to be doing great as a secretary while Ms. Shin's busy with her work as well" Jiwon said and chuckled

"Well, I have to, I did get the permanent spot and it's better that way" Chaeryeong said and Jiwon nodded

"By the way, nice new designs unnie, you unnies are doing great even when I'm not in the office anymore" Chaeryeong said and chuckled

"We learned from the best, anyways, let's go" Jiwon said and Chaeryeong nodded

They both went out of the meeting area and went to have a quick lunch at the café. After that, Ryujin had to go to her meeting and Chaeryeong had to make sure that Ryujin was ready.

"I guess you could go now baby" Chaeryeong said and patted off the dirt that was on Ryujin's blazer.

"Thank you jagi, I'll see you after the meeting" Ryujin said and pecked the younger's lips. As Ryujin left, Chaeryeong went back to her office since she needed to check if she had things to do for school. She did had a few so she worked on it as Ryujin was in the meeting.

After a while when Chaeryeong was done, she checked on some files that some of the VP's sent to her.

"Hello? Ms. Lee?" she heard, it was kind of faint

"Yes? do come in" Chaeryeong said softly as her eyes were focused on the laptop screen. After a few minutes she heard the person clearing her throat so she stopped from what she was doing.

As she looked up to see the person, her eyes widened and she froze. Her breathing was starting to be heavy as she saw the person.

"Hello again Ms. Lee" the person said with a smirk

"M-Ms. Wang...." Chaeryeong muttered softly and gulped

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