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Years Later....

(Yeah very long time skip coz we want those spicy parts 😏)

Ryujin and Chaeryeong are still together and they're already 4 years being girlfriends. Ryujin still works in the company as a CEO and Chaeryeong on the other hand was focusing more on college. She was on her last year and it means she needs to focus a lot. Ryujin didn't let her become ber secretary for a year since Chaeryeong really needs to prepare a lot. Minnie, Winter and Isa continued to help Ryujin in the office by then.

From time to time, Ryujin would bring the younger out to let her relax and be free from stress that was caused by her school works.

Yiren? she was long gone already, she didn't come back after that incident and Ryujin even threatened her that if she comes back and messes with them, she'll kill her.

Anyways, right now Ryujin was in her office doing work. It did made her lonely when Chaeryeong isn't her secretary anymore but what can she do? the younger needs to study to finish college and besides, she loves going home and hear the sweet voice of the younger.

"Stop daydreaming Shin, go back to work" Ryujin heard and saw Winter. Well Winter is already married to Karina, three years ago.

"Sorry, just thinking about something" Ryujin said

"Something or someone? I bet that's Chaeryeong" Minnie said as she went inside the CEO's office as well

"Yeah.... her" Ryujin said and smiled

"When are you planning to tell her? we can't wait forever Ryujin" Isa said

"Soon, after she graduates. She still needs to focus on school and her finals are near. I don't want to make her lose focus" Ryujin said and they nodded

Ever since Chaeryeong needed more time with school, the two stopped making love to each other and Ryujin respects that. She knew that she shouldn't distract the younger

"Tell me, how long have you two haven't had sex?" Winter asked but got smacked by the other two girls

"Why?! we're all adults here, not to assume someone just got married" Winter said and looked at Minnie up and down

"My life and Miyeon's life is out of yours. Don't talk about it" Minnie said and crossed her arms. It made the others chuckle

"So Ryujin, how long?" Winter asked

"Almost a year" Ryujin said and it made their jaws drop.

"Seriously?! a year?!!!" Isa asked in shock

"Yeah, I have to control myself of course. She's busy with school" Ryujin said

"But what if you get... you know...." Minnie trailed off

"I do it myself, just thinking of her but, ut rarely happens. I respect that she needs space and more time for her to study" Ryujin said and they nodded

"Hi unnie~" they heard and turned their heads only to see Yuna.

"Oh Yuna, what brings you here?" Ryujin asked

"Well, I just want to tell you that.... HURRY UP AND TELL CHAERYEONG UNNIE SO THAT I CAN GET ENGAGED TO JIHEON!" Yuna said and whined. It made the older ones chuckled. They found it cute that Yuna was in a relationship with one of the workers in the company.

"Aigoo, go and engage her then" Ryujin said

"But you should go first remember" Yuna said and Ryujin sighed. It felt a little bit pressuring for her to ask Chaeryeong to marry her. They were all telling her to tell the younger soon but Ryujin needed time. The younger was still super busy.

Suddenly, Ryujin's phone rang which made the other girls quiet.



"Yes jagi, do you need anything hmm?"

"What time are you gonna be home, I miss you already"

"I miss you too, I'll be home in an hour why?"

"Can we go out together? my finals are moved tomorrow immediately and I want to go out. Maybe freshen up my mind a little?"

"Of course jagi, anything you want. Do you want me to go home early?" When Ryujin asked that, Winter, Minnie and Isa's eyes widened

"Please? I miss you already. I was so focused on studying that I miss your cuddles and kisses"

"Don't worry jagi, I'll tell them that I'll have an early leave today. Is that okay for you?"

"More than okay"

"Alright, I'll be home later, just wait for me and then we can go out. Okay my jagi?"

"Hmm, okay, thank you~ I love you~"

"I love you too jagi, I'll be home in a few"


Ryujin ended the call and put her phone in her pocket.

"You heard that guys, I have to go home early. My baby needs me" Ryujin said and stood up.

"Fine, but only because Chaeryeong wants you home" Winter said and crossed her arms. It made Ryujin chuckle.

"I'll get going now, Yuna, do drive safely, remember that Jiheon's parents are strict" Ryujin reminded her sister

"I know unnie, anyways, say hi to Chaeryeong unnie for me" Yuna said and Ryujin nodded with a smile.

Ryujin left and drove back home to see her sweet girl. She got down and went to the door, as soon as the door opened and she went in, Chaeryeong came running towards her and gave her a hug. The maid who opened the door just chuckled at how cute the two were.

"Hello jagi" Ryujin greeted with a smile and kissed the top of Chaeryeong's head.

"I missed you" Chaeryeong muttered and hugged the older tightly.

"I missed you too jagi" Ryujin said and cupped the younger's cheeks.

"Where do you want to go hmm?" Ryujin asked.

"Anywhere, as long as it's with you. I just want a night drive tonight" Chaeryeong said and Ryujin nodded with a smile.

They both went out and went to the car. With that Ryujin just went on a small road trip around the place. Letting Chaeryeong feel relaxed as she drove.

"Finals are tomorrow, I'm not sure if I'll be able to pass it all" Chaeryeong said and sighed

"I'm sure you will, you aced your midterms, and I know you'll do just as great for your finals jagi" Ryujin said and it made Chaeryeong smile

"Thank you jagi" Chaeryeong said and smiled.

A little more of going around the city, Chaeryeong suddenly fell asleep on the passenger's seat. Ryujin then parked the car in the nearby park and sighed happily. She and Chaeryeong had been together for years and she just can't wait for that special day for the both of them.

She held the younger's hand and intertwined it with hers.

"I can't wait to make you my wife, my jagi" Ryujin muttered softly as she looks at the sleeping girl lovingly

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