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Its been two weeks since Chaeryeong worked at Ryujin's company, of course she still haven't seen the boss since she was pretty busy and Ryujin as well was busy.

"Yes unnie, I'm perfectly fine. Mhm, I got a perfect on my first quiz" Chaeryeong said, she was talking to her older sister. Chaeyeon just wanted to check on her

"Yes unnie I will, I love you too" Chaeryeong then ended the call and put her phone in her bag.

She needed to go to work again today, even though she was exhausted from last night she still has to go to work.

This was what she was wearing:

After getting her other things, she went down of the apartment building, took a bus going to the office. Of course the bus driver was very delighted to see her. She would always get on the same bus everyday.

"Young lady, why don't you get a car?" he asked

"Pardon?" Chaeryeong asked and looked at the driver. The driver has his eyes focused kn the road

"A car, so that you won't be going on a bus every single dah back and fort to your house" he said

"I'm still earning sir, and I like it more this way" Chaeryeong said and smiled at him. He just chuckled and stopped the bus. They already arrived at Chaeryeong's destination

"Thank you sir, have a nice day" Chaeryeong said and smiled at him as she waved goodbye. She got down from the bus and walked towards the building.

She entered and was greeted by some employees, of course, Chaeryeong was able to make friends in the company so it wasn't really hard for her there.

"Another record for Lee Chaeryeong" she heard and turned around. It was Jiwon and Chaeyoung.

"Unnies" Chaeryeong said and chuckled

"You're always up early" Chaeyoung said

"Well, I do need to work" Chaeryeong said and chuckled

"Wait, didn't you had like a project last night? you did told us you were busy" Jiwon said

"Its fine unnie, I got it done anyways" Chaeryeong said and the two nodded

"Let's get to the office now, probably we need to print out those other proposals" Chaeyoung said and the other two nodded. The three of them went off to the elevator to go up to their floor.

Reaching the office, Chaeryeong started her work and checked all the things that need to be printed.

"Chaeryeong" someone called, it was Soyeon, one of the members of the marketing the marketing department.

"Oh, Soyeon unnie, what is it?" Chaeryeong asked

"Here's the proposal that I was assigned to do, that's all done" Soyeon said with a smile and then handed the folder to Chaeryeong

"Thank you unnie" Chaeryeong said as she smiled as well and then Soyeon nodded. She went off to her own table after.

Chaeryeong continued to proofread the other proposals and design descriptions so that she wouldn't have a problem about it later.

After a while, her phone rang.

She answered it quickly as she went out of the office, not wanting to bother the other members of the department.



"Hey Yuna, what is it? I'm at work right now"

"Ah really? then I'll check on you after lunch, is that fine?"

"I'm not sure Yuna, maybe the boss won't allow it"

"Eh? where do you work anyways?"

"It's named Shin corporation, if I'm correct"

"Wait, seriously, Shin Corporation?"

"Yeah why?"

"Oh my god unnie! my older sister owns that. You should've told me earlier"


"Mhm, she wouldn't mind if I go there. I'll see you later unnie"

"See you too Yuna"


They ended the call and Chaeryeong went back inside the office. She went towards her table and did her work once again.

Once she did that, she started printing the proposals and design samples so that they could give it to the boss.

"Printing it already?" Jiwon asked her as she walked towards her since she also needed to print something

"Mhm, and then give it to the boss after" Chaeryeong said and Jiwon nodded

After printing it, Chaeryeong arranged it and then put the files into separate folders. She carefully put the paper clip on it and then put a sticky note, indicating what the papers were.

"Miss Lee" someone said and went towards her table. Chaeryeong looked up and smiled

"Good day Miss Minnie" Chaeryeong said and bowed

"Good day, you're all done with these?" Minnie asked

"Yes Miss, I'm just going to give this to the boss" Chaeryeong said and Minnie nodded

"Well, since it's a little bit early, how about let's go grab some coffee?" Minnie suggested and suddenly Jiwon and Chaeyoung went towards them

"We should really get coffee" Jiwon said

"Yeah, and I'll get an extra shot" Chaeyoung said which made Chaeryeong chuckle

"So?" Minnie asked the younger

"Sure, let's go" Chaeryeong said and the four of them went out of the office and down to the café.

As they were downstairs, Yiren walked around the office. She glanced over Chaeryeong's table and saw the three folders that had the files. It needs to be submitted to the boss so Yiren thought of handing it to Ryujin herself. Not that she was doing Chaeryeong a favor but it was to make Ryujin think that she did it. Letting Ryujin think that the new VP which was Chaeryeong, was doing nothing.

Yiren got the files and then went out of the office and towards Ryujin's. She knocked on the door first and heard a faint voice telling her to come in.

"Yiren, if you're going to ask me for a dat-"

"Here are the things you need for the marketing team Ms. Shin" Yiren said with a small smile on her lips

"Wait really? you did that?"

"Of course, I don't want to be slacking off work" Yiren said

"I thought you had a new VP in your department? isn't she supposed to be the one to submit these to me?" Ryujin asked

"I don't know Ms. Shin. She's busy having coffee down at the café. I feel like she's just taking the company's advantage for her own good" Yiren said and Ryujin's eyebrows furrowed.

All is going according to plan, as Yoren thought. She had a small smirk on her lips right now

"Really then? well thank you for this Yiren. You make go back to your office department" Ryujin said and waited till Yiren walks off. Since Yiren wasn't really walking away, she sighed

"I'll think about making you my secretary so please leave first" Ryujin said and Yiren smiled

"Thank you Ms. Shin" Yiren said and went off as well

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