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Chaeryeong's POV

I felt something heavy against my stomach. I groaned as I stretched my arms only to see that Ryujin was beside me, hugging me by the waist. I was shocked to see her? isn't she suppose to be at her house.


"Hmm.... good morning jagi" she muttered and the nickname she just gave me made me blush.

"G-good morning too Ryujin" I stuttered and she just chuckled

"How was your sleep hmm?" she asked and then I looked at myself, I was already wearing pajamas. Wait- did we, oh my god please tell me we didn't because I wasn't ready.

"Hey, you look like you're freaking out or shocked, is something wrong?" she asked me and sat up. I sat up as well and looked at her.

"Did we... did we do it last night?" I asked her, my lips trembling. Although I love Ryujin I knew I wasn't ready for some things. Especially getting pregnant. I was still studying and I know I'll be having a hard time when I'm pregnant. But also I was afraid, super afraid.

"Oh jagi, no we didn't. I would do anything without your consent. You know that" she said and wrapped me in her arms. I sighed and tried to calm down, I was really scared

"Were you scared?" she asked me and I nodded slowly

"I'm sorry if I shocked you, I just changed your clothes last night because I figured you'll feel uncomfortable. I swear I didn't do anything" she reassured me

"T-thank you, sorry for also thinking that you'll do something to me" I said and looked away from her

"No need to say sorry baby, I know you're just scared. I respect you a lot and I won't do anything unless you tell me to okay?" she said and I nodded once again. She kept caressing my hair to calm me down and later on I moved away from her

"Don't you have work?" I asked her since today was a Saturday I don't usually go to work

"Nope, well since some of the marketing team had a day off I already told Minnie to tell everyone that they'll have a day off as well" she said and I nodded once again

"Why? do you need to do something?" she asked

"Well, I need to work on a project and I'm going to school on Monday that's why I asked you the other time if I could get a day off for that day" I said and she nodded

"Okay, I'll give you a day off, but only on that day okay? the others will ask why I'm giving you a lot of free time" she said and chuckled

"Well, I'll go prepare our breakfast, just stay there and rest. You've been doing a lot of work yesterday" she said and got up from the bed. She then kissed my forehead and left my room.

I got down from my bed as well and then washed up to start the day. I really need to finish my project especially that I'm given enough time to do it alone. This
project was usually done with a partner but I'm homeschooled so I can't really go to school much.

I quickly opened my laptop and then started to do my project. I don't have anything else to do anyways other than that. A few minutes later, I heard Ryujin entering my room

"I made breakfast jagi" she said and I turned around only to see her holding a tray with pancakes and eggs then coffee at the side.

"Baby, you didn't have to" I said and chuckled as she placed the tray at the side of my desk

"But I wanted to. You're busy with your project and I wanted to at least let you eat. I don't want you to starve yourself" she said and it made me smile

"Thank you" I said and pecked her lips. She smiled back at me before going back out to the kitchen.

As I continued to work on my project, Ryujin came back in. I noticed her looking at my laptop. Of course I felt embarrassed, it was a business proposal powerpoint and she's my boss.

"Yah, don't look at it!" I whined as I went towards her and covered her eyes

"Why? I just want to check" Ryujin said and chuckled

"Still, you helped me with my homework the other day already. I can do this on my own" I said to her

"Are you sure?" she asked with a smirk as she removes my hands from her eyes

"Y-yes" I said while blushing, I still remember that day

"Okay then baby, I'll be at the living room. Call me if you need anything" she said and kisses the tip of my nose. She left my room and I went back to work

Ryujin's POV

I just wanted to help her but I guess she could do it on her own. I sat down on the couch and flipped through some channels. I wasn't used to this as much. I always work or not go out but I have to be with Chaeryeong today to keep her company.

As I was flipping through the channels, my phone rang and I saw that it was Minnie.


"Hi Ryu"

"Hi, what is it?"

"You have a sudden schedule on monday"

"Oh really? what is it?"

"A school is requesting for your presence? I don't know what it is for but they're expecting you on Monday morning"

"I'll check, Chaeryeong's busy that day and I have to make sure I don't have any other schedule on that day"

"Oh okay, just tell me quickly so that I could tell the school. I should've told them that you have a secretary now"

"It's okay, I don't want to bother Chaeryeong much. She's working on something"

"You're at her place?"

"Mhm, I drove her back last night"

"Okay then, well I got to go. Bye Ryu"

"Bye Minnie"


We ended the call and I put my phone back in my pocket.

What does the school want from me?

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