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Chaeryeong's POV

I decided to go back to my place early, not wanting to see Ms. Shin when I leave. I also have to do some homeworks anyways. I packed up my things quickly and then bud goodbye to the other unnies.

As I was making my way out, I already saw Ms. Shin going down the stairs. I hurriedly ran downstairs to the lobby, I really didn't want to bump into her, I would be completely embarrased.

As I was quickly leaving, I suddenly got bumped into someone. I actually fell to the floor but I stood up right away

"I'm so sorry" I immediately said and bowed not even looking at the person.

"Are you alright?" I heard, it sounds so familiar. I slowly looked up to the person and I saw the woman who gave me a bandage when I got a paper cut.

"M-Ms. Karina" I muttered

"Oh Chaeryeong, are you alright? Are you hurt?" she asked worriedly

"I'm fine Miss, I'm hust in a hurry to go back home" I said and she nodded

"Well, don't run too fast next time" she told me and I nodded. I thanked her once again and left the company. I went back to my place to calm myself down.

To be honest, I don't have many homeworks to do, I only had probably two or three. I made myself some iced coffee and then sat on the couch in my living room.

Was it even okay for me to be liking my boss? maybe I'm just acting weird. I was thinking about a lot of things when I got interrupted when the doorbell went off. I quickly got up from the couch and went to the door to check who it was. I peeked through the eye hole and I saw Natty, one of my friends. She's working in a different company actually but she never told me who she works for.

"Hey Ryeong!!" she greeted me and hugged me tightly

"Hi Natty, what brings you here?" I asked her

"Well you know, just wanna check on you. I heard you're doing online classes now" she said and I nodded

We made our way to the living room and sat down at the couch.

"So, how's your work?" she asked me

"Fine I guess, something just came up a while ago that's why I went home early" I told her and she nodded

"By the way, how about you? you told me you work in a company as well" I said to her

"Oh yeah, about that, I work at the Hwang Company, its actually near here to be honest" she said, so she's working at Yeji unnie's company.

"I guess that's nice, I actually know the CEO" I told her and her eyes widened in shock

"Really? you know that CEO?" she asked me excitedly

"Mhm, she's friends with Yuna actually that's why I got to know her as well" I told Natty and she nodded

For the rest of the afternoon until evening, me and Natty watched some movies and talked while I did some of my homeworks.

After a few hours of hanging out, Natty had to leave

"Well, I'll be off now, I still have work tomorrow so I guess see you next time Ryeong" Natty said and hugged me

"Mhm, see you next time as well" I said and hugged her back. She then left my place and went back to hers.

As soon as she left, my mind was flooded with the thoughts of my own boss. Was she really dating Ms. Wang? well, I shouldn't be intervening with them since I'm just an employee and besides, I'm the one who likes Ms. Shin, its not like she likes me back anyways.

i prepared myself some dinner as I check some of the other things I needed to do. Tomorrow will be the last day of being Ms. Shin's temporary secretary and for sure she'll be choosing Ms. Wang. After eating and finishing my homeworks, I got ready for bed, thinking about work tomorrow and the business pitch that I need to prepare for next month.


Ryujin's POV

I was busy doing my work when somebody suddenly barged inside of my office, actually I'm already at my house, I only have my own mini office.

"Care to explain Shin?" I heard, it was for sure Minnie, I didn't look at her since I was really busy

"Its pass working hours, why are you here?" I asked, still focused on the work I'm doing.

"Of course to discuss something with you" I now hear Winter's voice. Why are they here?"

"Discuss what?" I asked and looked at them

"We literally said no flirting on the observation stage!" Isa said and I furrowed my eyebrows. I didn't flirt with any of them to be honest.

"Explain this Shin" Winter said and showed me a photo. It was me and Yiren, the time when Yiren was talking to me a while ago at the office

"The hell?! where did you get that?" I asked them

"Of course, we told you we'll be also observing. You are disobeying the rules Shin" Minnie said and I just sighed

"Look, she entered my office, talked to me and suddenly touched me okay? I'm sorry" I said

"Then why didn't you remove her hand?" Isa asked me

"I don't know what to do okay? Its my first time that someone did that" I said, defending myself

"So you liked it? you like it when someone touches you like that? are you okay Shin?!" Minnie asked me, well basically she shouted at me

"Oh come on, its no big deal and I didn't made a decision yet to who my secretary will be" I said

"You better decide by 5pm tomorrow, you have dinner with Mrs. Sons tomorrow and they're expecting you to be there neatly and have a plus one. You can't go there alone" Winter told me

"That's tomorrow?!" I asked in shock

"Yes it is, check the planned that Ms. Lee gave you, I'm sure she indicated it in there" Isa told me and I checked it. It was really tomorrow, I almost forgot.

"You better decide who to bring tomorrow Shin. We'll leave now" Minnie said and all of them left my house.

Who should I bring for tomorrow's dinner then?

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