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Chaeryeong's POV

I woke up early today because guess what? it's my birthday!

(Had to make it early tho....)

Although it's my birthday, I have to go to work. I wish Ms. Shin could've gave me an early leave but I guess it won't happen. It's fine anyways as long as I can get to celebrate my birthday.

I was about to get go take a bath but my phone suddenly rang



"Happy Birthday Chaery!!!"

"Aww, thank you so much unnie"

"You're finally 20! I wish I was there with you but you know, work"

"Unnie, it's okay. I understand that you have work. Well, it's mostly my fault since I didn't want to go to Japan yet"

"Hey, don't say that. But anyways, mom and dad prepared something for you I mean, all pf us did and we hope you will love it"

"Do I get it this morning?"

"Ani, I won't tell you hehe, just wait and see"

"Fine, thank you again unnie"

"No problem Chaery, anyways be safe going to work. I love you"

"You be safe as well unnie, I love you too"


After ending the call, I went to take a bath immediately. What is there gift anyways?

As I was finish with my bath and getting changed, I went to my kitchen to start off with a good breakfast. I made some seaweed soup as always and then had other foods as well.

After eating, getting ready for work, I finally went out of my condo and waited for Ms. Shin's driver to pick me up so that I could check on her for work.

Few minutes later, the driver finally arrived and I got in. He drove me to Ms. Shin's place and then I got out. I rang the doorbell and the maid let me in.

"Good day Ms. Lee" she said

"Oh, Good day to you too Miss" I said with a smile and then waited

"Ms. Shin is in her private office, you can go check on her there miss" she said and I thanked her and nodded.

I made my way up the stairs and to her office. I quietly walked towards there since I don't want to disturb her or anything.

I knocked on the door and heard her faint voice, telling me to enter her office. I did as so and opened the door slowly.

"Good day Ms. Shin" I greeted. She was fixing her things I guess

"Ms. Shin?" she asked and raised a brow

"Oh... um, Good day Ryujin" I said and she nodded with a smile. I think I should get use to calling my boss with her first name now.

"Good day to you too Chaeryeong, and also, Happy 20th birthday to you" she said and it made me surprised and blush at the same time. I didn't know why but hearing her greeting me on my birthday feels different

"T-thank you" I said shyly and she just chuckled

"Ready for work?" she asked and I nodded

We both went out of her office and made our way downstairs and went outside. I was waiting for her driver to call for us but suddenly she went towards another car and called for me.

"Hurry up Ms. Lee, we wouldn't want to be late for work" she said and I quickly walked over to her. She opened the door for me and let me sit at the passenger's seat

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