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Ryujin's POV

Last night I stayed at my house, I really don't  like going to dad's place. I hate him at how he treated mom.

Dad would always say bad things to mom, verbally harass her and I hated him for that. That's why I never really hang out with him or spend time with him.

I remember what Yuna told me yesterday, she told me that I was like dad already. I think she was right. It was so wrong of me to scream and accuse someone especially if it was a girl. It's as if I'm doing it to my own mother. I know mom would have been dissapointed in me already.

"Ryujin" I was cut off from my thoughts when someone went inside my office

"What?" I asked and fixed myself

"We are one employee down, she's absent for today" Winter said

"Who?" I asked her

"Lee Chaeryeong. We don't know why but hopefully we get news. Minnie also hoped that she won't resign since Chaeryeong really does her work greatly. Anyways, I'll leave you now" Winter said and left the office

Was I too harsh on the new employee? Was I being too rude?

I wanted to apologize, I shouldn't have thought of Chaeryeong slacking off. I didn't knew the whole thing anyways.

After for some thinking, I thought that I would apologize to her formally.

Chaeryeong's POV

I squinted my eyes open, why does my body feel so tired? i tried to sit up but then my head started to hurt. Argh! I have a headache. The only person that I could call was Yuna. Maybe she's still sleeping or busy. But I have no choice. I was about to call her when suddenly, I heard the doorbell go off.

I slowly got up from bed and went towards the door. I peeked through the small hole and saw Yuna and the other two older ones who I met the other day. I opened the door for them and stepped aside.

"Hey unnie!" Yuna greeted me with a big smile and got in. I also let in Miss Lia and Miss Yeji and then closed the door.

"How are you? I wanted to check on you after what happened last night" Yuna told me

"What happened last night?" I asked and rubbed my eyes. My head still kind of hurts and I'm feeling a little bit cold right now

"You fell asleep while working and doing school at the same time, Yuna told us" Miss Lia said and I just nodded

Yuna then came close to me and then placed her hand on my forehead. A little later, she had a frown on her face

"I knew this would happen. Unnie, you have a fever, you should rest" Yuna told me

"But I have work Yuna, your sister might-"

"No, I'll be the one to talk to her. You're sick unnie and you should rest. You're also just 19 and you shouldn't be working as much" Yuna said and lead me to my room.

"Don't worry, we'll get you something to eat and drink so you just rest" Miss Lia said and I just nodded

I laid down back on my bed and then Yuna had to turn let me watch some dramas on my laptop so that I could stay entertained.

Later on, someone entered my room.

"Does your head hurt that bad?" Ms. Lia asked me, she placed a tray on my study table.

"Not really, thank you for coming here Miss Lia" I said

"Just call me Lia unnie, I'm just 23 years old after all" she said and chuckled

"Anyways, Yuna was worried last night actually, she said you might've got sick and she knew your sister would be very worried for you" Lia unnie said and I just nodded

"Food's ready" Miss Yeji said as she went inside my room as well

"You cooked?" Lia unnie asked her

"Nope, Yuna did. I might vurn down Chaeryeong's place" Miss Yeji said and then soon later, Yuna came inside my room with the food.

"Here unnie, eat this. I tried to ask Sakura unnie how Chaeyeon unnie cooks soup for you" Yuna told me

"Thank you Yuna, this will do" I told her and smiled. As I ate, they just keep looking at me then suddenly my phone rang, I grabbed it and saw it was Chaeyeon unnie.


"Ryeong, are you okay? do you feel nauseous? anything weird?"

"Unnie I'm fine, I'm having breakfast now"

"Good, luckily Yuna is there as well as Yeji and Lia"

"Wait, you know them?" I asked her and looked at Yeji unnie and Lia unnie talking to each other

"Of course I do, I was classmates with them before, they're married as well but they don't have a kid yet so yeah, I'm the first one to have a child among me and my friends"

"Oh... okay then"

"Don't go to work okay? just stay at your place"

"I will unnie, thank you"

"Okay, I have to go now as well. Bye Ryeong, I love you"

"I love you too unnie"


I ended the call and looked at Yuna.

"You told her?"

"I had to, Chaeyeon unnie needs to know what's happening so of course I told her that you got sick" Yuna told me and I just sighed

"We didn't know that you were Chaeyeon's sister, good thing we met you through Yuna" Lia unnie said and I just nodded

"Anyways, I have to go to work now, how about you love?" Yeji unnie asked Lia unnie

"I'll stay here to keep them company, I don't have anything to do today" Lia unnie said and Yeji unnie nodded. Yeji unnie bid all of us goodbye and gave Lia unnie a quick peck on the lips. I thought it was really cute.

"You like to watch movies?" Lia unnie suddenly asked me as soon as Yeji unnie left

"Um yeah, I watch sometimes but I also watch kdramas" I said

"Then let's watch!" Yuna said and I just chuckled. We did watch some movies for the rest of the day and I did some of my activities for school.

I hope Ms. Shin won't be mad for me havung one day off from work. I guess I'll just have to work extra when I get back

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