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Weeks before the wedding, both Ryujin and Chaeryeong did some things special for those who were close to them. For Ryujin, she treated their close co workers in the office a trip to wherever they wanted to and the three, which were Minnie, Isa and Winter went to the US along with their girlfriends.

Chaeryeong on the other hand, she treated her family a vacation in Jeju since its been a long time they've been in Korea.

Along with that, they also organized some things for their wedding and well, let's just say it was all like luxury.

They both wanted a beach wedding and Chaeyeon helped out along with Sakura her wife.


"You look so beautiful Chaeryeong" Chaeyeon said upon seeing her younger sister finally wearing the white gown that they've chosen.

"Really?" Chaeryeong asked and Chaeyeon nodded, tears were threatening to fall but she tried to prevent herself from crying.

"Wow unnie, you look so beautiful!" Chaemin complimented and Chaeryeong chuckled. Chaemin was already also in the dress that they've chosen for the usherettes. Chaeyeon on the other hand was the matron of honor.

(Matron of honor's are those who are already married while the Maid of honors are those who are not married yet)

"May I see my beautiful princess now?" they heard and the sisters chuckled upon hearing their dads voice.

"You may come in now appa" Chaeyeon said and chuckled as she fixes up Chaeryeong's gown.

"My, you look gorgeous Chaery" appa Lee said and Chaeryeong smiled at him

"Thank you appa, you look handsome in your suit" Chaeryeong said and all of them chuckled as their dad did a little turn for them.

"Oh my, my sweet little daughter is getting married" eomma Lee said and walked up towards Chaeryeong to give her a hug.

"Eomma, you can't keep on crying, your make up is going to fade away" Chaeyeon said

"It's just as if the last time you were still a sweet little girl, refusing to come with us in Japan" eomma Lee said

"Aigoo, stop crying now honey, we need to get ready" appa Lee said

Later on they heard a knock on the door, well they already did the picture taking with the other bridesmaids and Ryujin did the same already.

"Chaeyeon, time to get ready for the line" Lia said and Chaeyeon nodded

"We'll leave you here with appa now Chaery" Chaeyeon said and hugged her sister and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Chaeryeong nodded and then her mom and sisters left for the ceremony.

"I can't believe that you're getting married now" appa Lee said and went towards his daughter

"It's happening appa, you always told us you wanted to walk us down the aisle" Chaeryeong said and then fix her appa's neck tie

"I know... time flies by so fast" he said and both of them chuckled

"I know that you'll be a wonderful wife, just like your mom" appa Lee said and it made Chaeryeong smile

"It's because you two raised me to the best person I could be. You know that after a few years Chaemin might get married too" Chaeryeong said and her father nodded

Since it was time for the wedding ceremony, the two went out and got ready as well.

Little Time Skip >>>>>>

"If you cry, you better treat me and Lia a trip to the US" Yeji whispered beside Ryujin

"Whatever" Ryujin said and rolled her eyes. They were already near the altar, waiting for Chaeryeong to walk down the aisle. Ryujin was actually excited to see Chaeryeong, she hasn't seen the younger for almost two days since they weren't allowed to

Soon after, they see Chaeryeong at the other end and it took Ryujin's breath away, seeing her soon to be wife in a beautiful white gown.

"She's so.... gorgeous" Ryujin muttered as a tear fell to her cheek.

Everyone else was in awe, Chaeryeong looked definitely gorgeous in her gown.
They invited a lot of guests, of course they didn't forgot to invite the three and then the two of Chaeryeong's closest colleagues.

Chaeryeong walked down the aisle, earning a lot of smiles from the people around. Slowly, she finally reached the front and mer up with Ryujin. She chuckled upon seeing the older in tears.

"You're crying already jagi" Chaeryeong said softly

"Its just.... you look so beautiful" Ryujin said and both of them chuckled

The ceremony then started and it came up when it was time to say their vows.

"I, Shin Ryujin, take you Lee Chaeryeong, to be my lawfully wedded wife. I take you with all your faults and all your strengths, as I offer myself to you with all my faults and all my strengths. Before these witnesses I pledge to share my life openly with you, to speak the truth to you in love. I vow to show up everyday and try. I vow to honor and care for you, to cherish and encourage your own fulfillment as an individual through all the changes of our lives. I choose you as the person with whom I will spend my life. I'll love you forever" Ryujin said as she looks at Chaeryeong.

"I love you because you are happy, adventurous, and strong. I love you because you love your family and friends just as fiercely as I love mine. Also, I love that your family has become mine and mg family has become yours. You are the love of my life and you make me happier than I could ever imagined and more lived than I ever thought was possible. You make me unbelievably proud and I promise that I will make you proud as your wife. I vow to listen and learn from you. I vow to laugh with you and cry with you. I vow to value our differences just as much as our common ground. I vow to put all my effort into strengthening our marriage and giving you the best version of Chaeryeong. Ryujin, on good days or bad days, rain or shine. I'll love you forever. I'm so lucky you're mine and I'm also lucky to be yours" Chaeryeong finished and smiled back at Ryujin

After for some time, it was the time to give the rings to each other.

"I, Shin Ryujin give you this ring as a sign if our marriage and our bond as partners" Ryujin said and then slid the wedding ring on Chaeryeong's finger

"I, Lee Chaeryeong give you this ring as a sign of our marriage and our love towards each other" Chaeryeong said and did the same to Ryujin

"You may now kiss the bride"

(Well obviously Chaeryeong's the bride and Ryujin's the groom so....)

Ryujin carefully pulled up the veil to reveal Chaeryeong's face and as said, her now wife is absolutely gorgeous.

Ryujin gently held Chaeryeong's waist, pulling her closer and they inches their faces closer until their lips touched. It was just a quick one and after that, they heard cheering and they both chuckled.

"I'm so happy to say that you're my wife now" Ryujin said softly

"Me too" Chaeryeong said as Ryujin hugs her by the side and kisses her temple

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