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Ryujin was in her office doing her work as usual since Chaeryeong was still in school. She already told the older that she would be visiting later so that they could go home together.

"Are you sure you don't want a secretary yet? Its been a year already Ryujin and you're just tiring yourself" Winter said, she was currently in Ryujin's office since she had nothing to do

"I can handle it Winter and besides, Chaeryeong will be my secretary again soon so I think this is just a challenge for me" Ryujin said and Winter just nodded

"By the way, how was Chaeryeong's finals? you haven't told us yet" Winter said

"Well, she's still at school today and probably getting her grades" Ryujin said and Winter nodded

After for some time, it was already lunch and they all had lunch together.

"It feels good to not hear someone annoying you the whole day" Minnie said and sighed

"Tell me about it, it was a good idea of Ryujin to fire Yiren" Isa said and chuckled

"Even though they were in a middle of doing something" Winter said and looked at the CEO

"Hey, it was her doing okay? she started it" Ryujin said in defense.

"Bur you still gave in tho" Minnie said and Isa agreed

"It's unfair of you guys to act like that whenever Chaeryeong's not here" Ryujin said

"You have to get used to it Ryujin" Winter said and the other two nodded

After lunch, they all went back to work.

Ryujin did have a lot of work to do but nonetheless she finished it so she wouldn't have a problem with it the following day.

It was already 6 in the evening, Ryujin was still in the office while some of the employees are already going back home, including Winter, Isa and Minnie. Ryujin was starting to worry because her girlfriend hasn't arrive yet and she was agraid that something might've happened to her.

As if Ryujin's thought had been blown away, the door opened and revealed Chaeryeong who was in black clothing. A black crop top shirt, black mini skirt that had a small open slit and a blazer to cover her arms. Ryujin always loves it when Chaeryeong wears black, it suits her well and it makes her a million times more gorgeous than ever.

 Ryujin always loves it when Chaeryeong wears black, it suits her well and it makes her a million times more gorgeous than ever

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"Good evening my jagi" Ryujin greeted as the younger went up to her and gave her a peck on the lips.

"I finally got my grades" Chaeryeong said and handed Ryujin the small piece of paper. Ryujin chuckled as she placed Chaeryeong on her lap and looked at her girlfriend's grades.

Ryujin was impressed, not only did Chaeryeong aced her finals but she all had an A and A+ grades on all of her subjects. She thought that letting Chaeryeong off from work and focus on school was worth it.

"Great job my baby, I'm so proud of you" Ryujin said and kissed Chaeryeong's lips.

"Thank you but can I get a reward for doing good?" Chaeryeong asked

"Of course jagi, anything you want. What is it?" Ryujin asked and placed the paper down on her desk.

"Hmm... since it been a long time already, I  miss making love with you. Can we do it tonight baby?" Chaeryeong asked seductively.

"You sure jagi?" Ryujin asked and Chaeryeong nodded eagerly.

"I miss your cock in me, it feels so good everytime and I guess my pussy has been resting for too long already" Chaeryeong said and moved to straddle Ryujin's lap.

"Should I just take you here? without anyone barging in at us huh? you want me to make you cum until you can't walk and until your voice is all hoarse?" Ryujin husked and it made Chaeryeong turned on and moan.

"Ah~ y-yes, please do that to me baby, I missed you and your cock so bad" Chaeryeong breathily said and starting grinding on Ryujin's lap.

Ryujin then pulled the younger closer to her and captured her lips. Kissing her passiontely, its been so long since they've been intimate alone together and Ryujin wouldn't miss the chance when Chaeryeong wanted it right away.

Ryujin stood up, bringing Chaeryeong with her and placing her on her office desk as she removes the younger's blazer. She trailed her kisses to her the younger's neck, nipping and sucking at it to leave marks. Chaeryeong's hands were already tangled in Ryujin's hair, she misses the older's touch so badly.

As Ryujin kept on nipping on the younger's pale skin, she unzipped the younger's skirt from behind and pulled it down, She also removed the younger's top and necklace which left Chaeryeong only in her undergarments. Once again she was wearing black lingerie, she knew what the older likes.

"Fuck baby, you look so damn sexy" Ryujin muttered as she stares at her girlfriend's body

"Hurry up baby, you don't want us to get locked in here at your company" Chaeryeong said and chuckled

Ryujin then devoured Chaeryeong's lips once again as she rubbed her clothed pussy

"Ahh~" Chaeryeong moaned as she felt Ryujin putting more pressure on rubbing her.

Chaeryeong's hands were all over Ryujin, wanting to remove the older's clothes. When she succeeded she also nipped at the older's skin, making marks on her. Ryujin got tired on rubbing on Chaeryeong's clothed pussy and she was already getting hard. She removed all of the younger's clothes, leaving her naked. She grope on one of her breast and suck on the other making Chaeryeong moan even more. They didn't have to worry of how loud they could be since Chaeryeong had locked the door and Ryujin's office was soundproof.

"Baby~ I want you in me already" Chaeryeong moaned as she reached down on the older's slacks, feeling her already hard cock.

Ryujin then removed her polo and zipped off her slacks, pulling it down along with her boxers. Her cock was already hard, and precum was slowly coming out of it. Ryujin immediately grabbed a condom from the drawer, opened it using her teeth and putting it on. She slowly slid inside of Chaeryeng's pussy, feeling her tight walls clamping on her hard cock.

"Fuck baby, you're so tight" Ryujin groaned and pushed further as Chaeryeong held onto her her shoulder for support. When Ryujin felt Chaeryeong's pussy relaxing from her length, she slowly thrusted in and out of the younger

"Ahh~ just like that baby... fuck, I missed your huge cock in me" Chaeryeong moaned and bit the bottom of her lip, feeling the pleasure she was getting from Ryujin's cock.

Ryujin started to thrust faster, making Chaeryeong moan and whimper at the sa,e time. Her head thrown back and her eyes rolling to the back of her head as her mouth was agape.

"YES! HARDER!" Chaeryeong screamed as Ryujin was going deeper and deeper.

"I love you Chaer"

"I- I love you too"

With that, the both of them cummed at the same time. Chaeryeong was muttering Ryujin's name over and over, she felt so overwhelmed from their hot session. She felt so good after not making love with Ryujin for a long time.

"Baby, I want more" Chaeryeong begged as she kissed Ryujin's lips hungrily

"Hmm... we can continue this at the house darling" Ryujin panted and they hurriedly wore their clothes and went home just to have a few more sessions.....

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