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Chaeryeong's POV

"This is the café, I hope you'll love it because our CEO actually makes sure its great. Then this is the cafeteria, you can have your lunch here and all food is organic. This is the lobby of course, a small garden outside, and don't go by the tangerines by the way, boss wouldn't want anyone to go near there" Minnie told me and I just nodded

This company is bigger than expected so I guess I can cancel all my other interviews since they suddenly accepted me here. We continued to walk around and we were already on the third floor.

"This here is the hallway to our boss's office, we shouldn't be passing by here often. She gets pissed off quickly sometimes and here is your office, the other workers are around and I'm sure you yourself will be glad to meet them" Minnie told me

"Of course, thank you miss" I said and bowed

"By the way, all the things you need are already provided, all you have to have is your own laptop just in case you'll be working home, and of course you bag or briefcase" she told me and I nodded

"Do I start work today?" I asked

"You can start tomorrow Miss Lee, we are hoping that you'll be here on time" she told me

"I will, thank you again" I said and bowed. I bid goodbye and left the company, this is going off to a great start I guess.

I got on a bus and went home, I'm glad I finally got a nice job. Now all I have to do is check on my schedule for my online classes and then buy some notebooks that I need in case I need to write down some lectures and lessons.

I got back to my apartment and got some rest and go off to continue my day.

Ryujin's POV

Its currently 9:32 in the morning and I can't seem to hear any of my other 'friends' well co workers around. What is taking them so long? Winter should be here an hour ago in my office, Isa would have probably brought up some reports and Minnie should be giving me updates already.

I know they have their own jobs in the company but since I don't have a secretary around they said they were willing to help me if ever I need them.

I decided to call one of them, hopefully at least they're in their own offices. I press the button on the the telephone that is connected to theirs as well.

"Kim Minjeong? Where are you? also Isa and Minnie come to my office right now" I said and then let go of the button.

I waited for a while, I think I really need a secretary right now. Stupid ass bitches just wants my body and nothing else, better find someone who really does work.

A little later the door opened, I knew this girl was kind of afraid of me...

"Yes Boss?" Winter said

"Where were you? I was expecting you since 8:30. Don't you realize its already 9:47?" I asked her

"Sorry Boss, had things to go through" she said and I just nodded

"Yes Shin?" Minnie asked me as she stood beside Winter

"Where were you?" I asked her and raised a brow

"Well, we had an applicant and of course we had no choice but to accept her right away. We were lacking some employees" she said

"And in what department is that?" I asked her

"Marketing, she said she majored in that" Isa said

"Can you show me her resume?" I asked

"Well, its downstairs tho, should I get it?" Winter asked me.

Nevermind, I might as well wait tile tomorrow

"Hmm, I guess no. Anyways, if she starts tomorrow, bring her to my office along with her resume" I told them and they just nodded at me.

I let them leave and do their own work coz why not? I got stuck with just doing some stupid paperworks and checking on some of the proposals and projects that had been requested.

I was in the middle of taking note of what was indicated in one of the files when someone cane barging inside my office. I shot my head up and saw my younger sister walking towards me with a frown? wow, she never frowned like this before.

"What's wrong with you? and why are you looking like that?" I asked her, she looks all ready for an outing.

"Hang out got cancelled today, she told me that she just got her work and she needed to do some college stuff" Yuna told me and I just nodded

"Your older friend?" I asked her and she nodded. She's always with this 'older' friend of hers. I was expecting her to be going with Ningning or probably with Jang Wonyoung since they are both models after all.

"Cancelled it all but I gotta give it to her, she's making money a lot" Yuna told me and I just nodded as I write down some notes from the proposals

"You know what unnie, I should go and find you a secretary" She said cheerfully

"And where will you find one?" I asked her, still focusing on the papers

"Well, I have a few friends who are older than me, probably can do the job for you" she said

"Also, maybe you can-"

We both got interrupted when someone got inside my office. As I expected... Wang Yiren. This girl flirts with me a lot. She's in one of those departments but not a manager, just in the team and all.

"Yes Miss Wang?" I asked her

"Oh come on, just call me Yiren, anyways, here are some of the proposals by the marketing department" she said and handed me a paper. One sheet of paper? is she kidding me?

"Miss Wang, this is one page, how can you consider this as your team's proposal?" I asked her


"I won't accept this, I'll wait until you give me a proper proposal" I told her.

"Please leave my office, I'm talking with my sister here" I told her and she just sighed and left after giving Yuna the side eye.

"Hmm, another bitch, anyways unnie, should we have dinner outside?" Yuna asked me

"Make sure dad doesn't come along" I told her and she nodded with a smile

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