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Four days have passed since Yiren and Chaeryeong had both been observed as Ryujin's secretary, it was almost coming to an end, and Ryujin really needed to decide who would be her secretary.

"Your coffee Ms. Shin" Chaeryeong said as she placed the coffee on the table

"Thank you Ms. Lee" Ryujin said with a smile and took a sip of her coffee

"Need anything else Miss?" Chaeryeong asked

"Nothing else, you may go back to work now Ms. Lee" Ryujin said and the younger nodded and bowed before leaving her boss alone.

Ryujin settled in her chair and let out a sigh. Don't get her wrong, she doesn't have any meetings today but then she was kind of worried. Worried for her sister to be exact. The lunch they had the other day was kind of dramatic and emotional. Of course Yuna also had her own problems and that day she just needed her sister so badly.

As she was just resting, she heard a knock from the door

"Come in" as she said that, Yiren walked inside her office which made Ryujin groan in annoyance.

"What are you going to complain about again Ms. Wang?" Ryujin asked annoyingly

"Well my complain is why does that Chaeryeong bitch had to give you coffee all the time? You've rejected all of the times that I'm supposed to be the one to get you coffee" Yiren huffed and Ryujin just rolled her eyes on the lady.

"One, she's more polite and two, she doesn't get orders wrong so just leave and go back to work, well if you even work" Ryujin said and took a sip from the coffee that Chaeryeong got her.

Yiren was shocked at what Ryujin said but then she suddenly smirked.

"You know Ms. Shin...." Yiren said and strutted towards the CEO with a seductive smirk

"We can have a little fun ourselves" Yiren said and placed her hand on the CEO's shoulder, caressing it

"Ms. Shin, I have the-" Yiren and Ryujin turned their heads to the door. It was Chaeryeong with some folders in her hand.

"O-oh.... I'm sorry to bother you Ms. Shin and Ms. Wang. I'll leave these here Ms. Shin" Chaeryeong said nervously and then placed the folders on the coffee table neatly. She bowed and then left the office.

"Ms. Lee has a thing for Ms. Shin I see..." Yiren said and chuckled

"Well, its nice to have a small talk with you Ms. Shin" Yiren said and winked at their boss and left the office

Of course Ryujin was annoyed and mad but she was also worried at how Ms. Lee would see her the next time. She brushed off the part where Yiren had placed her hand a while ago and sighed.

"What's with the long face unnie?" she heard and shot her head up. Her sister was there.

"I thought you would be resting at my house? why are you here? did you got back together? please tell me you didn't" Ryujin said

"Not really, I asked a drive from one of your old friends, Heejin unnie, she was going to the way where your office was so I joined her going here"  Yuna said and Ryujin just nodded

"So what's with your long face? you seem tired but you're not even doing any work right now" Yuna said

"Remember what I told you last time?" Ryujin said and faced her sister

"Mhm, you said that you're starting to have a like on Chaer unnie and you're too shy to tell her and also you weren't sure if it would be even fine" Yuna said

"Wait, did something happened? oh my god unnie, you didn't took advantage of her didn't you?!" Yuna asked

"Gosh Yuna, of course I wouldn't!" Ryujin said back

"Okay, thank god you didn't" Yuna said and calmed herself down

"So what happened?" Yuna asked

"Well, I was sitting here on my chair, and then Yiren came in, she had her hand on my shoulder and she was caressing it...." Ryujin said and Yuna had a disgusted look on her face

"Then by that time, Chaeryeong came in since she needed to give me some files and she saw us. She looked confused? scared? I really don't know" Ryujin explained and sighed

"You're worried that maybe Chaeryeong unnie would think that you and Yiren unnie are together?" Yuna asked and Ryujin nodded.

"I could talk to Chaeryeong unnie but I'm sure she wouldn't make conclusions about it right now. She's probably doing work again." Yuna said and Ryujin just nodded

Chaeryeong's POV

Were they together? how could that happen? I mean yeah, Ms. Wang is pretty and slim but I didn't expect that she and Ms. Shin would be together. I thought Ms. Shin doesn't like Ms. Wang, that's what the other employees told me and talked about. I guess I was wrong for thinking that Ms. Shin doesn't like her. I mean, who would even like me? I'm just a girl who's in college and is working just to earn money.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I kept hearing faint voices.

"Excuse me?"

"Hello Miss?"

"Are you fine?"

I shook my head and turned to the person. She's tall, she had blonde hair with bangs, small eyes and she had a smile on her face.

"U-uh hello? do you need any help?" I asked the girl

"I was wondering if you were fine, you were spacing out here in the hallway" she said and I looked around, yeah I was really spacing out I guess.

"I'm fine, who are you here for? You don't seem familiar" I said to her

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Jiheon, Chaeyoung unnie's younger cousin and you must be Chaeryeong unnie" she said and smiled. She knows me?

"How do you know me?" I asked her

"Well, Chaeyoung unnie talks a lot about work and when she and Jiwon unnie went over at my place they kept talking about you, who has red hair and they kept saying you were so great at your job" she said, it actually made me flattered hearing that from a different person

"Thank you" I said and chuckled

"You're welcome unnie, I guess both of the unnies were right, you look really pretty in person" she said which made me kind of blush

"Well, are you here to talk to your cousin? I can lead you to the office" I said

"Sure unnie" she said and then I led her to the marketing department office. 

"Chaeryeong, where have you been? And wh- Jiheon?" Chaeyoung unnie seemed surprised so I went back to the table and then did my work. They did talked for a while and then it was break time.

Since I don't have any work to do, I've decided to stay in the lounge. Ms. Minnie said that I could stay there anytime I needed to especially if I needed to focus on my activities in school.

Before going to the lounge, I went to the café to get coffee. As I was about to get coffee, I saw Ms. Shin, along with Ms. Minnie, Ms. Winter and Ms. Isa. They were ordering something as well. I didn't want to face Ms. Shin, I was so embarrassed a while ago after seeing her with Ms. Wang. I should've knocked on the door.

Ms. Shin then looked at me, I felt myself heating up because of what happened. I adverted my eyes away from hers and quickly went to the lounge. I guess no coffee for today.

I got a seat and then opened my laptop, I quickly checked my emails to see if I had things to do. I then saw one that I had to do a business pitch and I needed to go to school. Oh gosh, what would I use for this? I don't even have a product.

I checked the date and its not until the end of the semester which is in three months. I could probably pull this off right?

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