Chapter 1: A New Start

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Italics = thoughts
Italics with "" = Commutation through the mind
Normal "" = talking out loud
Bold = Written information or Author noted when at the end of the story plus occasionally at the start.

1st POV
I start to wake feeling like I was being shoved back into the body I reside in. Feeling lightheaded, like I always did once waking up after 'preparing' to shift. I stretch a little, before quickly realising something is wrong. The bed. It felt different.

Okay, stay calm maybe this is just the bed in the house near town and not the one on the farm.

After taking a deep breath, I crack my eyes open and find a familiar room. Though this was definitely not a room from my CR. Upon realising this all the fear, anxiety and general shock washes away. Replaced with a feeling of pure happiness.

I did it. I actually fudging did it!

Now you the reader of this lovely story are probably wandering what our main character is going on about. So, let's go back 3 weeks, to her CR.

I was sitting on my bed doing the usual thing, watching YouTube and procrastinating on life. When I came up with an idea, I had been really getting into the idea of shifting and had some made some progress. So, I thought it was time to up the bar a bit and make things more interesting. And with that thought in mind I started to scheme.

What did I come up with? Well, I decide it was time to leave my CR or what I occasionally call OR(Origin reality) for good and make my WR hybrid my new OR.

Simple enough plan really. Just make my WR the new place where my soul or consciousness resides. That's where there's a catch, you see the thing is, I over think things to a degree.

But when I actually act, I tend to use very little of what I had planned or thought of. So, in a way I make things more difficult for myself without realising it.

Which leads to the current situation, how to balance out plan and no plan. Do that and I'll be successful in my mission.

What I came up with was a phrase I say to myself every night until success.

It's been a good 18 years and so, but it's time to leave this reality and make way for a new start.

Now back to the current situation.

Now since this is my waiting room. Everything should be like I planned it out, right?

I pull back the white and green striped duvet, light green fluffy blanket and forest green sheet, moving my legs to dangle over the right side of the bed. I almost instantly regret the decision, as the freezing cold air hits my warm body that only has a pair black & green, light winter pyjamas left protecting it.

Shi— why is it so bloody cold. Oh!? it's a different climate. How can one forget that you changed the climate, I'll never know.

After shaking my head getting rid of my bitter thoughts, I touch the freezing cold wooden floor. Before quickly getting off my bed and heading straight over to a temperature gauge on the left side of the room. I roughly hit the ON button and look to see what the temperature that it is set to.

27 degrees Celsius, you know what, that'll do. Now let's see what it's actually... IT'S BARELY 1 DEGREE! No wonder it's bloody freezing in here.

I then dash over to a switch on the wall next to one of my bed side tables and flip it, before practically launching myself back to bed and covering up.

While mid air I was reminded that there is a massive circular window with a window sit behind my bed. Now when I say window sit, it's more of a slightly large single bed mattress thrown on a well constructed area right near the window. That I more or less plan to use it as a second bed.

Looking out the window I see the source of the freezing air. Snow completely covering all the ground outside that I can see. Which to be fair really isn't that far, as there is a massive abnormal even, wall of trees that should create a circle area that this hut/room thing sits in.

For some it may seem that I'm trapped in this area. But I prefer to think of it as more of a wall that keeps things out rather than in.

I then turn back to find that a rectangle piece of flooring had moved and at a snail like speed comes a TV on a clean white stand box cabinet thing.

I kind of feel a bit underwhelmed by this. It kind of just looks sad. And the speed. I'm never putting it back in the floor, it's too painful.

I then turn my attention to past the rising TV to the round table behind it. Simple wooden and only has one chair seated at it. To the right of it is the kitchen, again it's simple. It's like what you would give your sims as a bare minimum for the kitchen.

Behind the table of this circular shaped room is a door that should lead to the outside. There are only three doors that connect to the main space. The door to the outside, the door to the right, is the bathroom and the door to the left, is the walk in wardrobe.

Opposite the kitchen is the fireplace with the temperature gauge or thermostat attached to it. It controls both the heat and cool. The heat comes from the fireplace with a special fire that can be refilled with logs and wood but doesn't need it. The cool comes from the aircon vents in the room one above my bed the other in between the table and the door to the outside or front door.

There's one more important area of this hut and it's the basement, that can only be accessed by flipping the switch closest to the fireplace but on the side of the front door.

Author Notes
First chapter has been achieved.
Sorry if this isn't great. But this is basically just setting the scene and introducing our main character without any mention of their name.

At the top is some rough a drawing of half of the main space. Just ignore some of the colours in the drawing I may decide to change them. And throughout the next few chapters I will have the other half and a birds eye view of the area + the TV + the basement + the wardrobe. I haven't gotten the motivation to do the bathroom.

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