Chapter 18: Hospital & New Home

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1st POV
In the hospital, we were fortunate enough to all be put in the same room. Which was good considering we haven't know being really far away from each other for the past 9 years.

Though, they did take us to a separate room to do inspections that require us to take off some of our clothes. We were rather alright with that, so long as we always return to one another.

Everyone else in the hospital, saw our bond as something that could cause trouble. Like for instance, they were go to sent us our separate ways back to our families, or what's left of them. Only to figure out if we were away from each other too long, we start to panic a bit and some even have a small panic attack.

With this realisation, the families were all notified that the seven will stay together, in a place near UA high school. This is where they will live and slowly start to readjust to the world they once knew. It will also help them, to slowly be able to be separated. So, for now the families have agreed that they will wait until we have settled in before visiting.

Currently though, we're still in the hospital. We  were now just waiting, Principal Nezu had already informed us of our new residence and had told us that Recovery Girl was going to take a look over at us for her records but mainly so we could start to get used to her.

They all noticed how even if we knew, that everyone in the room wasn't going to hurt us. We would still end up putting our guards up, when ever their is someone other then us in the room.

It seems Ena really did, do a number on us.
Recovery Girl POV
These poor kids. They must have gone through a lot.

She thought as she walks into the room and notices how they all subconsciously tense up. She then begun to take each of them to another room, where she goes over past injuries with them, to insure the states are correct and looks at some of them herself.

Highs from each interaction and list of past injuries are as following:

- Slight discolouration on his forearms, appears to have no other signs of injuries.

"Could you tell me, how you got the discolouration on your forearms?" She asks, him after reading the brief.

"It was from training, Iceyko is quite good at using a katana." Yuki says shortly, before he was soon told, that he was allowed to go.

-Scarring on hands and a pale scar on her left upper forehead.

"What we're the cause of your injuries?" She asks

"Overuse of quirk and getting hit by a boomerang." Kazuya says but sounded quite bitter when being up the boomerang part.

-Faded burn marks on her hands.

"The burn marks, how did you get them? dear." She asks.

"Oh, their from my quirk that came late, and as we were constantly watched by a villain, I tried to avoid using it in from of her. Resulting in the lack of experience of using the quirk and getting hurt." Asuka explains, getting close to just starting to mumble on further.

-Scarring on her left forearm.

"Where did you get your scars, on your forearm from?" She asks.

"A few are from Iceyko during training, while the last one is from Ena, she had thrown icicles at me." Ena explains, seeming hesitant about explaining.

-Scar on left side of face and a two scars on her right thigh.

"What we're the cause of your scars?" She asks.

"My mother caused the one on my face. The ones on my leg was caused by Kana and Iceyko, with a bow and arrow." Miyuki states honestly and bluntly.

-Faded burn marks on her lower legs, bruising on her right side of mid section and a small scar on her back.

"Do you mind telling me, how you got your past injuries?" She asks.

"I don't mind. The burn scars are from getting too close Emiko with her fire weapon and from making Ena angry. The bruising is from not say my full abilities. And the scar on my back, it was from Miyuki's pole." Kana explains politely as she usually does and in her angelic manner.

-Extensive scarring on tissue on her back, scar on lower right abdomen and a scar in the shape of a lightning bolt on her left shoulder.

"How did you get all this scars? dear." She asks, honestly shocked from the amount of scars.

"Ena caused most of the one on my back. Ena also stabbed me with my own katana, resulting in the scarring on my lower right abdomen. It was a straight through stab, she said some about it being a test. The one my shoulder has been there as long as I remember, so I guess it's more of a birth mark." Iceyko explains.

These are only the scars that we can see.

She thought sadly to herself just before Iceyko turned to leave.
Unknown POV
After being all checked out by Recovery Girl, they were taken from the hospital to their new home.

The place was quite nice, it's location is only 2 km from UA and the Staff at UA plus sometimes other pros will take in turn, in watching over the house. To insure that Ena doesn't come back for them. They will also be escort to school, for extra safety precaution.

The house is one of those modern houses that is close to crossing the line over to a mansion. There are 3 bathrooms, 8 bedrooms, a kitchen and dining area, plus a lounge and two extra rooms. There's also a nice backyard, completely surrounded by high fences.

All the bedrooms and 2 of the bathrooms are located on the second floor, with the rest of the areas being located on the first floor.

Apart from the modern feel the house gives off, it also gives off a slight cottage or cabin type vibe. Which is quite nice, and makes it seem more friendly and welcoming. This is definitely something the teens need right now.

The seven soon choose their rooms, personalise them a bit, with what little they have and soon settled in for their first night.
Author notes
The next three sections will be snippets of there time before they start at UA. It's about a month time period.
There won't be an order to them, just some highlights for each of the seven. This will just help with getting to know them better and some of their feelings, after being saved.

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