Chapter 27: A False Alarm?

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Iceyko's POV
It was now lunch and we were making our way to a table to sit with our usual groups.

"That was mean, Icy." Kana complains about the ice.

"I'll melt it when we get back. But next time don't try to put me in an uncomfortable situation." I reprimand.

"Icy, has a point we all know she would hate that position, so it's your own doing." Emiko comments as we sit down.

"You're supposed to be on my side, she used her quirk in class." Kana says.

"And didn't get caught." I add with a triumph smile.

"You didn't get caught, doing what?" Yuki asks as he sits down with his friends.

"Icy used her quirk in class, to put ice on my seat." Kana explains, now feeling more over the situation and back to her graceful self.

"She had it coming." I simply state before anyone could ask.

"What did she do?" Kiramu asks, curiously.

"She voted for Icy, for president." Emiko says.

"And she only put ice?" Yuki asks shocked.

"We were in class, not like I could just beat her up or something with Aizawa in the room." I says, causally.

"You would do that?" Shinso asks, questioning how she was in the hero course.

"It wouldn't have been anything too damaging or anything like that, just something to remind her that it was a stupid move." I say and give her a quick glare before returning to my food.

"It's the way you do it, is what's scary." Yuki admits to me being scary.

"Then maybe I should start calling it, character building." I say sarcastically.

Just then an alarm goes off, the intruder alarm to be exact. Now sane people get up and head towards the exit. I am definitely not one of them, instead I see the exit as a death trap waiting to happen and instead sit there, continuing to eat.

That was until some rude bugger, decided it would be smart to grab me and drag me away from my food. Reacting quickly I cut my lip and create a limp, using it to grab my food. Once I could grab my food with my actual limp I cause the blood to return.

Now to deal with this one.

I think darkly as we were nearing the crowded corridor. I could feel my fear and panic rising. The bottom of my hair turns grey and my eyes turn grey as well, with the pupils changing to slits like a dragon. That's when I felt my quirk start to react.

No, not here.

I sent of food to the IBag. Then I feel the overwhelming power of my quirk awaken a bit. I tried to pull away from the person but they held on, unknown to us both my Unknown was now active and me to pull them into me with great full throwing us away from the crowd.

Though I couldn't really focus on that because another one of my abilities was activated as well. Spectator, it was a temporary ability, so I never think to really bring it up.

The ability causes me to feel an extra set of sight, smell and hearing, which is quite draining. The spectator spirit went straight to the outside, causing me to hear and see that all the media had broken in.

I felt like screaming or something but I couldn't scream. Like ever, it's weird but true, I can make a squeak but never able to scream. It's a great weakness for when you need to stay quiet.

I go to grab my head to try and stop it all. I was so in my head that I didn't see that the person who had pulled me was now on top of me, as we laid on the ground. Or that another person had saw and quickly came over to help.

Thanks to my quirk, my fear had officially bumped up to a panic attack like state. Earning me, an eye colour of the colour spectrum in each eye and black hair with rainbow tips.

My special emotion triggered telepath ability kick in as well but the other active abilities go dominate again. This telepath ability, causes me to hear the thoughts of anyone within a 7 meter radius of myself, instead of the I must be in contact or looking at them.

Just breathe, breathing is good. Don't think about it. You're not in it, you're not dying, it will be fine.

I slowly try to bring my breathing back to normal and crack an eye open. I was now sitting up with just two people with me.

IM- What was that? She is really strong was it her quirk? Is there a meaning to all this colours her hair and eye turn? Will she be okay? Did I cause this? Is this why she wasn't moving and was still sitting?

MT- She's having a panic attack, how do I deal with that? She will obviously need some space, so it was smart get Midoriya off her. How do I help her? Where is Emiko? she would know what to do.

So, he was the one. But all these thoughts from them.

I move my hands to my head and trying to find someway to make it all stop, so I can think clearly. I then move my attention back to calming my breathing, feeling like that was the only think I could really control right now. I move my right hand to my chest, feeling my heartbeat as it helps me calm down.

"Hey, are you okay?" Midoriya asks, considered and unsure on how to help. He sounded a bit muffled but I managed to make out what he said.

My hair and eyes were starting to turn back to normal. I give a small smile and a slight nod. A look of relief washes over both of their faces. My eyes then widened a bit.

"I didn't hurt you, did I?" I asks, basically forgetting that is should be more worried about myself, as I move to look over Midoriya a bit.

I didn't notice how close I was to him or that I was a bit shaky while looking over him. The two of them did. Though they were each focused on a different thing.

Midoriya instantly starts turning into a blushing tomato mess, while stating, "Ahhh?! No, I'm fine. Really." He squeaks out from nervousness.

Miyuki moves closer and gentle grabs my left hand and examines it, while I continue to to look. Midoriya continues to freak out as he now has two girls close to him.

"You're shaking." Miyuki simply states catching the attention of both Midoriya and I.

"I am?" I question and look at my left hand then my right. They were shaking a little bit.

Midoriya taking interest looks at my hands as well and sees it too. "Maybe, we should take you to Recovery Girl." Midoriya suggests.

Recovery Girl? She is going to start thinking that I'm going to become a regular like Midoriya.

I think as I move to get up and almost fall straight back down into Midoriya. Though Midoriya had gotten up and caught me, while Miyuki tries to help with stabilising me.

By now students we're starting to stop rushing in the corridor. We look down it to see Iida had stopped them rampaging and was about the exist sign.

"He would make a better president." Midoriya mumbles as he and Miyuki help me to the infirmary.

"He would, so fix it when you get back to class." I say and give Midoriya a smile.

"I will." He states and when walks the rest of the way in silence, though we did notice that students were heading back to class shortly after we past them.

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