Chapter 16: MHA:TT - Backstory - part 3

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Unknown POV
Training, it is one of the only real normal activity that the seven of them have. The purpose is rather obvious to to the kids. It allows Ena an insight to their abilities without relying on their word.

The cause of knowing this stops some of the kids from openly showing off all their abilities. People like Emiko, Iceyko, Kana and Asuka. Kazuya simply says that she will beat anyone even if they know about her ability. Yuki just believes that he has nothing to hide and Miyuki is a Todoroki with a vendetta against Endeavor, so she just refuses to use her left side.

For the time being certain members are willing to let Miyuki believe that her fire ability is 'Endeavor's' quirk, but as soon as this situation ends, they are very much planning to tell her otherwise.

Training is going as it usually does, with them having done this for quite awhile now since some of them were now 9 years old.

Yuki and Kazuya were showing off and getting better handles of their quirks while the others were just using their usual amount.

Miyuki's usual being that she strengthens her ice ability so that she can show her father that she doesn't need 'his' quirk.

Asuka is constantly updating her notes when she finds out something new, while also limiting the moves that she displays in front of Ena.

Emiko mainly just sticks to her eraser ability and chooses to only work on her Elemental Weapons quirk at night, when she is sure Ena can't watch her. This is usually done around the time period of 12:00 am to 4:00 am as Iceyko is usually up, during this times.

Kana just sticks to her nature and light abilities, and occasionally when she is sure no one is looking she will active another one. Though, that doesn't mean no one is actually looking, some of the other kids have seen her use other abilities, but choose not to tell her that they have.

Iceyko craftily uses abilities that can be played off as someone else's doing even during times where Ena can't watch, or she uses her quirk's main ability very limited. She does all this because she believes at in order to properly keep the promise she made to her mother, she needs to keep other people out of the loop. She sees others knowing as a liability.

The training session aren't all about quirks. Ena also gets them to train with a weapon of their choose which they will use on missions she will give them, once she knows they won't just use them as a chance to escape.

Yuki's choice of ended up being a bat and somethings to hit. Turns out he is terrible at archery, using a sword of any kind and throwing knives or daggers at a target. But can easily hit something with a bat, even a ball to cause damage against someone. Though he can't use a hammer like Thor's because it's to bulky and heavy.

Kazuya ended up with a boomerang. She is very good with projectiles but can't fire an arrow from a bow to save her life or even a crossbow, leaving a boomerang as a next best thing. Though it not perfect as if it was her choice she would use her quirk and fight with her fists.

Asuka, she went with a gun. Simple to use and was the one of the few weapons she didn't completely freeze when using because she was over thinking all the outcomes.

Emiko choosing archery, her bow is a beautiful black colour with her arrow heads being dark blue and the tails being a dark grey colour. She decided to choose this weapon as she is good with it and probably won't use it if she turns pro.

Kana, she chose knives that she can throw. She has incredible accuracy with them making them the best weapon of choice for her.

Miyuki, a staff or pole like stick thing. It's basically the weapon that Sara from The Arrow uses. This weapon can be extended to it full length like in the show and be made into a smaller more compacted version. This weapon helps Miyuki rely less on her quirk even though when training with her quirk, she has found a way incorporate it in some moves.

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