Chapter 28: Dream From The Past

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Iceyko's POV
Upon arriving at the infirmary, Recovery Girl looked at us with shock. "What's wrong?" She asks not seeing any real signs of injuries, though does see that I'm being helped to walk.

"Midoriya was dumb enough, to try to drag me into the hallway filled with people." I say as they moved me to a bed.

Recovery Girl just gave me a questioning look, while Miyuki face a slight look of understanding. "It caused me to panic and my quirk is heavily connected to my emotions." I add, for clarification.

Recovery Girl quickly understood that, that was bad when she saw Miyuki's face turn to one of consider.

She soon sent the others back to class while beginning to look over me. Finding no real physical injuries, other than some bruising in my arms. It left us to question, I can't I stand up and walk.

Soon however, Recovery Girl had answer, "Your muscles have been over used, I suggest you take a nap."

"That makes sense, my quirk can be a bit much for my body if I were to have multiple abilities active at once. But it does depend on the abilities used." I say before getting comfortable and taking a nap, which quickly turned into sleep. Thanks to the mentally and physically exhausting experience.
Unknown POV
While Iceyko slept, Iida was appointed the new class president, with the little grumble from Momo. Aizawa then took charge of the classroom again, noticing the absence of one of his students.

"Where's Iceyko?" He asks, looking to see if anyone knew.

"She's with Recovery Girl." Miyuki states simply.

"Her quirk acted out during the alarm." Midoriya adds, guessing that it was her quirk's doing.

"Her quirk doesn't usually just act out." Kana comments quietly.

Emiko's eyes wide and she speaks with a bit of fear, "Did someone drag her towards the crowd?"

"Midoriya did." Miyuki throws him under the bus.

"She didn't actually go into the crowd, did she?" Emiko asks sounding more panicked.

"No, she pulled back with great strength before we made it." Midoriya says feeling a bit guilty about the event.

"You're lucky, you didn't get hurt." Kazuya comments.

The rest of the class sits there wondering how dangerous Iceyko is and what would happen if she was in a crowd.

"Why exactly can't she go in a crowd?" Aizawa asks, not knowing about this.

"I really remember much about the situation that caused it but when we were 5 before being taken, we were in a busy mall when something happened to Icy. Ever since she hasn't been able to go into large crowds from fear and even in normal crowded areas she tends to stick close to someone, she says it has something to do with her quirk." Emiko tried to explain, but quickly realises she herself had no recollection of the event.

"I guess, I'll have to ask her myself." Aizawa says before moving on to lesson.
Dream POV
Where am I?

I think as I look around the familiar area. I felt shorter and just smaller in general. I spot my siblings and my...

This must be a dream of some kind.

I instantly put my guarded up, my dreams haven't exactly been kind to me and you never know whether it's just a stupid weird one or a scary actual one of your feelings.

We were currently in a park, that we used to play in that was near where the Bakugou's and Midoriya's used to play. Though it seems like we were leaving to somewhere, now.

Maybe it's just showing how I never really stayed in one place? For too long that is.

Mother held out her hand and I go to grab it only for Yuki to beat me, Emiko was already holding her other hand. I was a little surprised
but simply acted like I just wanted to get close, not hold her hand.

I guess I never did really hold her hand. Though I never minded.

I follow behind them like I usually did and we walked for awhile. Down some alleys, busy streets and even across a few roads.

This is a long walk.

Soon we were in another area, I look up at the sign near the entrance and pale a little.

The mall. Don't panic, this could just be one of the other times we went here and.. Nothing really happened any of time. Maybe the dream will make something up.

That keep me calm and we continue to walk around until we were in the heavily packed section, on the other side between two sections of the mall. At the time I didn't mind crowds like this, though I was a little anxious about it I could go through them.

I was small so hanging just behind Mother was fine until I trip and fell. No one noticed at first and continued to walk. Though I had tried to get up and move the people didn't seem to notice, causing me to be trampled on.

Now any other area I would have been fine to trip and wouldn't have been trampled on but due to how close people were in this area, it made it too easy for it to happen.

At first there was just bruises that started to form but soon I felt some heels and they went through some of my skin. This happened only for 3 minutes until people started to recognise that I was a child on the ground and not something else they were treading on.

By then the damage had been done. One of the heels had hit an artery and even with my quick healing that only heals skin deep wounds, I began to bleed out.

With all that leads to my first death, and the main reason I can't go into crowds.
Recovery Girl's POV
She must have been exhausted, she crashed as soon as she hit the pillow. Her quirk really takes a toll on her.

She thinks as she from time to time looks over at her, insuring she is okay.

Though a few hours later something changed. Her hair got a dark purple streak of hair and electricity started to surge a little around her before giving her a little shock, causing her to wince a little.

Though the electricity didn't last long as the streak turned to black and she starts to look really in pain.

Recovery Girl goes over and wakes her, upon waking up, her breathes we're irregular and it looked like she was just woken from a very bad nightmare.

"Breathe, your okay now." Recovery Girl repeats in a soft gentle tone, helping her calm down.

Once she was calm Recovery Girl asks, "Do you want to talk about it?"

"I-it was just an old memory. That, stops me from ever going in crowds." She says in a soft and quiet voice while not look at her.

"You have a fear of crowds?" She asks.

"Yeah, I think so." She answers quietly, trying to found get the memory and the pain it holds.

So though she notices a burn on her left forearm arm, "My quirk activated." She states to no one.

"Is this normal?" She asks considered.

"When my emotions are involved, I think so. I have been feeling them for a while so I'm not completely sure." She says still refusing to look at her. If she did, she would have seen the slight tears in her eyes.

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