Chapter 7: Exploring - part 1

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1st POV
It's the next day and I'm standing at the front door, getting ready to walk out into the snowy environment on the other side. Taking a deep breath I open the door, stepping out I almost curse until my breath from how cold it is.

I shut the door behind me and turn my attention to admiring my surroundings. The hut, that I have just been in for the past 3 days straight, looks kind of similar to Hagrid's hut on the outside.

Though I have big dumpster leaning against the wall, to the right of the stairs when walking down, although it does have a wall small in front of it to help it blend in. To the left is a stack of wood.

Connecting to the stairs is a path made from large stones placed in the ground, with none touching on the surface. This path leads to the log.

The log is a massive log placed in the ground with only the top showing. Actually it's probably better to think of it as a stump in the ground with the top showing. Though it is still called the log.

The log is used as a portal of sorts for shifting to other reality, it's where the guest or guests will spawn and it's where I will leaving with them.

Now when I first arrived the area, it was originally a large circular area walled in by the massive trees. Well, the trees are still there but some have been moved to create space for the plans of the extensions and mansion thing.

A pebble path with a gap of grassy area leads to a large staircase, that is only 4 steps high, to the front door. The stairs and the small landing are made from stone. Though, they're kind of covered in snow at the moment.

Once I walk in through the green front door, I find a large staircase and hallways. I take one of the all ways to my left and start looking around. The hallways kind of remind me of the ones in the woodland mansion, in Minecraft, but brought into real life and swapping out some of the wood for stone.

The first room I found is a lounge room or a sitting. It just has a lounge, two arm chairs and a fireplace. It's interesting, as it gives of the feel of a common room in Hogwarts.

The dinning room is next, it contains a typical long table and currently only has two chairs. One at either end, there's also a fireplace in this room as well.

Kitchen, is more of a commercial or restaurant type kitchen. Mainly grey and has three fridges, plus two deep freezes.

Damn, this place really makes my little kitchen look like a joke. Though with the amount of fridges and freezers there is no real excuse for things not fitting..

Well, that is if there isn't a big party.. Like that is going to happen anytime soon.

Movie room/lounge, a row of lounge chairs that can be reclined. In front of the row is a large rug, up against the wall is some bean bags and a few mattresses. There's also a couple of coffee tables.

I'm all set for a movie night. Now I just need friends.

Moving on to the next room is the study, simple, currently clean and kind of empty. Attached to the room through a secret door and passage way is what I have dubbed as my second bedroom. It's coloured in green, blue, purple and black, plus a little white. Attached to this room is a walk-in wardrobe and a ensuite.

The bedroom is only accessible through secret doorways and passageways, making it less likely someone will bother me in the room.

I exist a passageway to find I am in the library, in the 'stories of other realities' section, to be exact. There's a history section that constantly grows as it is the history of the world outside the Bubble and in the Bubble. There's also a room in the back left of the library that stores board games and card games.

I leave the library and soon find the art room, it is clean, spotless even.

Man, I'm so tempted to start something, but I should really look at the other rooms and head back to the hut. Maybe, another day.

After that I find 5 bathrooms, a conservatory, the grand hall and hospital wing.

Now it was time for the upstairs, which should be nice and quick, considering it is only spilt into three hallways. The central hallway is for permanent residents, the west hallway is for a special room for each permanent resident and the east hallway is for other guests.

I head to the central hallway and find that there were currently no doors, just a seamlessly never ending hallway. The other two were the same, as each has enough space to have infinite rooms.

Shortly after that I returned to the hut and spend the rest of the day there.

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