Chapter 13: Safe Word And Action

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1st POV
World 0 | year 0 | month 1 | day 25

I was awake and going over all the last minute things, before the guest or guests show up, to take me to the first reality.

Now there's at least one thing I have yet to mention. My safe word and action. Now for those who know about shifting, you've probably heard about creating a safe word or action. Well, I decided that just one or the other, just wasn't going to cut it.

Leaving me to create the safe word action combo. It's quite simple first I make sure that in every reality I ever go to, I have a lightning bolt scar on my left shoulder. I then came up with the safe words.

The final product being, I must tap my lightning bolt scar three time, it doesn't matter if I'm not directly tapping the skin, just has to be the area. Next I must say the words 'time of return', within 3 minutes of tapping my shoulder. This will cause me to return to this reality.

Another thing I have yet to mention is that once I return from another reality, the reality will be paused until I return or I make an exception of some kind. I also have a sort of immortality in everything reality as a precaution of sorts.

With that all said and done I stare at the door. Though if you asked Sebastian, he would say I was giving the door more of a glare than simply staring at it.

After some time there was finally a knock at the door.

About time.

I get up and open the door, to find a woman. She has long straight white hair, typical Japanese anime skin tone, looking to be in about her early 33s and has piecing red eyes.

There was no one else with her.

Great, I wonder what I'm getting into.

I think sarcastically, before Sebastian walks up from behind and asks, "who is she?"

"This is the guest who will be taking me to the first reality. Her name is Ena Shigaraki." I say with a sweet tone and a strained smile to Sebastian.

"Oh, okay. Goodbye, Mother." He says and hugs me. I hug back before standing back up and face Ena again.

Ena just stares, with a slight hint of hatred that I could detect, at the interaction before simply turning and returning to the log. Leaving me to follow quickly.

We arrive at the log and then everything goes black.

Author notes
Sorry it's short. Anyway the next few parts are going to be backstory/past memories that will help explain the reality our MC is going into, plus some of the memories will be ones she will actually get upon arrive and help explain her personality in the reality.

Quick warning the background can be dark and can go from 0 to 100 with little warning.

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