Chapter 22: Old Friends & A New One

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Ena's POV
During the month of March, she had been spending most of her time in a hideout and waited for further instructions on her mission.

Nearing the end of March, she finally got a call to come into one of the hideouts to meet her Father, of this timeline for the second time.

Upon arrival she noticed it was the same, abandoned hideout like last time.

He doesn't trust me.

Was her only thought as she walks in and heads to the only decent room in the place. A nice looking lounge/meeting room. She takes a sit waiting for his arrival.

While waiting she starts to think about her mission.
Past Timeline POV
"Ena." AFO calls and Ena proceeds to come into the room.

"You called father." She says with a bow.

"Yes, I wish to discuss your mission for when the time is right." He states as she sits down on the chair opposite him.

"A new mission?" She questions.

"Yes, in fact this mission will involve that time jumper quirk of yours." He says.

Time Jumper but that's only a one time use thing. Well, if Kamado is correct, that is. Or even if Father was telling me the truth about it.

"When the time comes you will use it to return to the past and change it. Once we have collect enough information, you will know what to do." He said ending the conversation.


Months later, he brings her back in to discuss the mission again.

"You task will be to remove the Kamado's, the Yagi girl and other abnormalities from the main stream world. You will do it as soon as possible once you have arrived and will keep them until the last day of February of the year when these hero students started." He says, referring to 1A and 1B or 2A and 2B technically at the time.

"Once the last of February comes, what do I do with them?" She asks.

"If they are still alive, give them false hope." He states.

"What do I do after that?" She asks.

"You will take you orders from the AFO of that timeline." He says and the conversation ended.
Ena's POV
Back in the now timeline, AFO has finally arrived. He walks in taking a sit across from her as she gives a slight bow.

She straights up and asks, "What is it that I'll be doing from now on?"

"Eager aren't you? You'll be working under Tomura with some old friends of yours and a new one." He says getting to the point.

A minion for him, is what he really means.

"So, I assume I'll be meeting my comrades and new boss today." She states.

"Correct. First let's bring in your new comrades." He says and three males walk into the room.

"Will Maoki not be joining us?" She asks after noticing her absence immediately.

"She has been sent elsewhere." He dismisses the question and nods to the males to introduce themselves.

She is really though.

"Hey, Ena, remember us." One of the males say and points to another that looks almost exactly like him.

"Sento and Riise Aku, right? We meet in America.

"I knew could've forget us." Sento says cheerful.

"Ena." Riise says with a nod.

"I'm Rowan Hart, the rich son of the late Cody Hart and British/Scottish Villain." Rowan introduces himself in his nice suit and British accent.

Definitely looks like a rich guy.

"Is this everyone?" She asks.

"Everyone you will be interacting with other than Tomura and Kurogiri. I've also brought in other help but you'll meet them when they're done with their mission." AFO says then walks out and tells Shigaraki to go in, as he leaves back to the shadows.

I didn't ask about the Shi family. Who are they?

She thinks as Shigaraki and Kurogiri walk in.

"Shiggy or would you prefer Tenko or Tomura?" She asks and shocks the group as she acts familiar with him.

"Tomura, if I have only those options and don't use my old name ever again." Tomura states already annoyed by her presence.

Just like the other Tenko.

She thinks with a small smile.
Author notes
We finally get a quick look at some of our new villains.

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