Chapter 33: Day Off

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Kana POV
The day after the incident, the school was closed and we left to stay in the house for the day. All of us involved were a bit shaken up from the event, in our own ways.

She had started her day rather peaceful, sleeping in a little and having the pancakes cooked by one of the others, who had gotten up early.

She was having some Nutella on the pancakes, that Iceyko had gotten some, after missing having it when she was younger. After trying it she soon found she liked it as well.

She then spent sometime in the lounge room watching some TV. She stayed there until lunch, after grabbing some of the lasagna made for lunch and sitting down to eat it with Kazuya, Iceyko, Yuki and Asuka. Emiko and Miyuki were outside training and would eat later.

Soon enough their was a knock at the door, "Again?!" Kazuya says annoyed.

There's already been a knock today?

"I'll get it." She says and gets up, heading to the door. She looks through the peeping hole before opening the day.

"Ahh, Young Yagi, just who I was looking for." All Might says in his skinny form.

"All Might, come in." She says and moves out of the doorway letting him in.

"I hope I didn't come at a bad time." He says, a little awkwardly.

"Not at all, I'll just go fetch my lunch and we can talk, in one of the spare rooms." She says politely, before going to collect her lunch.

"Who was it?" Asuka asks.

"Just my Dad, I'll be talking with him." She says as she carefully picks up her lunch and heads out, begin to lead All Might to a spare room that has bookshelves and a seating area.

After settling down, "So, what would you like to discuss?" She asks, in a formal tone.

"No need to be so formal." He says, "I just came to check on you."

"Oh, I'm fine really. Though, you're not just talking about yesterday's incident." She comments.

"I'm not, we haven't been able to talk, so I thought now would be a good time, then any." He says, unsure on how to go about this whole thing.

"I don't blame. Even if you do. Mother never let me out because of her reputation not yours and me being taken was nothing you could have stopped." She says sincerely.

"You don't know that." He says, clearly blaming himself.

"I am sure. Nothing really happened there to me. So, let's not worry about it." She says after grabbing her father's hands.

"Okay, but I feel like you should try not to be found out to being my daughter. If the villain's find out you might be targeted, more." He expresses his concern.

"Ena kind of already knows, in fact she was the one who told the Kamado's before I arrived there." She says trying to break it to him lightly.

"A villain knows?!" He says freaking out a little.

"She's also AFO's daughter." She adds.

"He has a daughter?" He says surprised.

"Come to think of it, should you already know that?" She questions.

"Nothing has ever really pointed to her being his daughter." He answers.

"Oh, I guess I'm just used to Icy telling me about it." She says and rubs the back of her neck.

"She knows a lot, does she?" He says.

"Yeah. It's easy to do so with the abilities she has." She says, proud of her bestie.

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