Chapter 10: Sebastian

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1st POV
World 0 | year 0 | month 1 | day 14

Today is the day, he should be showing up any moment. While I wait for a knock at the door, of the hut, I read over a basic information document of the first one.

Name- Sebastian
Age- 7
Hair- black, straight (black butler's hair)
Eye colour- red (like black butler's eyes)
Species- human and demon (will be a bit different to black butler)
Blood type- B
Other notable features- None

I wonder how different he will actually be from the Sebastian in Black Butler? Today will technically become his birthday. Though I kind of knew that and that's why I waited but it still feels weird...

My thoughts are soon interrupted by a knock at the door. I quickly get up, making sure I'm presentable before opening the door.

There stands a 7 year old version of whom, looks exactly like the Sebastian in black butler.

He looks so cute?!

"Umm, Miss why are you making that face?" Sebastian asks me, with a British accent.

"Oh, was I making a face. My apologies if I scared you." I say in a sweet voice and giving him a smile at the end.

My face must be quite readable- why is it-

A shiver goes down my spine before I quickly realise he is still standing outside.

"Where are my manners? Come in," I start sheepishly, he cautiously starts to move indoors.

"Quickly now, we don't want you getting a cold or something, plus I won't bite." I smile, my words seemed to have an effect as he quickly moves indoors.

I shut the door and turn to find that he is awkwardly, standing near the entrance. "Feel free to sit anywhere you want." I say after realising he was waiting for permission.

He seemed startled at first but ended up following me over to the bed and sat next to me, both of us facing the TV.

"Sooo..." I start trying to break the awkward atmosphere.

What am I supposed to say to him? He should be easier to handle than a toddler or something, right?

He was looking at me to continue. I take a deep breath and say, "What would yo- Wait, I know. Let's go check out your room." I end up, standing up from excitement after coming up with the idea on the spot.

He was a little taken back from my sudden standing up but quickly relaxes. Though once he notices that I'm waiting for his input on the idea.

He quickly speaks up, "That would be great, Miss." and processes to get up as well.

I start to lead the way with him closely following behind me.

"Why do you call me Miss?" I ask kind of out of the blue, as we reach the door of the mansion.

"Is there something else you would prefer?" He asks in return.

A question for a question. But still, it's all just to please me in a way. I get he is to become the butler but he's just a kid, right now at least.

"You can call me, Miss Kamado, Lady Kamado, Mother and Mistress. Though, I think Mother or even just Kamado will do for now. The others can wait for when your older." I answer his question.

"Alright, Mother." He says simply before going quiet again.

This silence might be the death of me. I like silence but this one isn't comfortable, not one bit...
And, why did I say Mother? It feels weird and makes me feel old.

We soon reach the central hallway and there is now a door in, with 'Sebastian' written on the door.

I open the door and we find a rather plain looking room for the most part. Plain pale blue walls, wooden floor, light grey rug, a single bed with white and black linen on it. Though on top of the normal pillows, is a cat pillow.

So, he likes cats as well. Seems to be one the few things that they currently have in common.

He runs over to the bed and instantly grabs the cat pillow, hugging it. Though, he seemed to be feeling judged as he turns slightly to hide the pillow from sight.

"I'm not judging you. Well, not really. I'm just thinking, that's all." I stumble out trying to clarify myself but I only seem to dig myself a hole.

I sigh before hearing a his tummy rumbling. "You're hungry?" I state out loud in surprise.

He doesn't answer but instead turns away trying to hide his face. Though I had already noticed the slight dust of pink on his cheeks.

He's embarrassed.

"How about we go down to the kitchen to get some food? After all I think I'm starting to feel hungry as well." I ask and try to make him feel less embarrassed.

He turns to me with a cute smile and runs over to me, before nodding excitedly. We head down and have some lunch.

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