Chapter 9: Exploring - part 3

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1st POV
World 0 | year 0 | month 1 | day 12

I had gotten distracted and had ended up forgetting that I hadn't checked out the simulator room. Well, really it's a building. So, today's the day I'm going to check it out.

For those who are curious, I got distracted with preparing for the first permanent resident of the Bubble, that isn't myself. I also started making a mess in the art room.

So heading in out to the garden and taking the opposite path of the one that leads toward the forest, I eventually find the building. Looking at it makes me sweat drop.

That's taller than I thought. Are high rises really that tall? Why did I make it this tall again?

After regretting some decision, I walk up to the the building and walk in. Inside is a large black reflective box room, with a few dull lights.

Umm, how do I work this thing again?

As of the room had heard my troubles, a table moves up from the centre floor of the room and with a hologram computer on it.

I hesitantly walk over, unsure of the table and if I really want to risk, the possibility that there is a boobytrap. Though after carefully looking over the table I find nothing of the sort and quickly relax.

What do I want? Minecraft simulator? Battle simulator? Training simulator? A peaceful simulator? I'll try...

The training simulator first.

I put it in and a door appears opposite to the front door. I walk over to it before pausing.

I didn't set anything other than training simulator, meaning.. Oh!? This could go really bad really fast. Do I actually want to do this with such an unknown?
Fudge it, let's just do this.

I walk through the door, blinded by a white light, I pause and carefully open my eyes.

Huh?! An alleyway.

The alley is plain and very empty looking. It is surprisingly well lit considering the lack of lights, there's also a lack of smell and sound. I touch the wall in front of me, before turning around.

It definitely feels like a wall and looks like it too. The door?! It's gone.
Though that does make sense, but it does mean that I'm stuck in here until I either fail or complete the training task...

"Which I still don't know what it is." I say out loud in frustration.

My voice echoes throughout the unusually long alley, I would even dare to say that it might be a never ending one.

My eyes widened, as I hear a faint sound coming from my right.

Don't tell me.. I'm not fighting.. right?

I turn in the direction of the sound and freeze.

Who the hell is that?!

Before me was a slowly moving silhouette, just causally walking towards me. After about 5 minutes of standing there watching, I finally get a good look at the person.

What the hell is this?! I don't even know this dude!

Now only 5 meters in front of me is a man in a typical black robber outfit. Though he has a knife out and was now dragging it against the wall as he gets closer.


"Well, well, what do we-" the man starts.

"Nope." I interrupt and shake me head before turning to walk way but still keeping him in view.

My interruption stopped him, quite literally. He just stops in his tracks, staring at me over his mask.

He stopped?

I thought as I display a 'you've got to be kidding me' look while continuing to walk at a slow pace.

Am I supposed to out run him or fight him?
Logically, fighting is out of the question. So that just leavings...

He raises an eyebrow and asks, "what do you mean 'nope'?"

I fully turn to him, continuing to walk but backwards before answering with, "I mean, I'm not dealing with this today." Stating it like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

He kind of looked like he was struggling with the news, almost depressed even.

What is this guy's deal?

I am honestly confused, from what I could understand, he was suppose to attack me.

Then it happens, the most ridiculously stupid thing, he just turns around and walks away.


Although I am shocked I don't stop moving backwards.

He's just testing me. He can't just be giving up.

I start to get annoyed but quickly stop myself.

If I run now, I could possibly find a way out.

With that in mind I turn and start to do a light run. Now I am a fast runner but I'm not very good at running for long distances. I'm the type to sprint in short time periods, stop and stand for a while before able to go for another short period without to much of a hassle.

The problem here is I won't have the luxury of stopping if he starts to chase.

Though I never have to stop as the door shows up in front of me. The only trouble is, it showed up suddenly right in front of me with the door open, leaving me to run through it and barely, successfully stopping, before having to drive over the table to avoid hitting it.

I'm not doing that again, at least not anytime soon.

I think as I side down, learning again the table, trying to catch my breath.

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