Chapter 23: Starting School

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Iceyko's POV
The first day of school an exciting and nerve racking day for new students. Most students that is as most students don't have to be at SCHOOL at 6:00 FRICKING am, for a meeting with the principal.

But here the seven of us were, in Nezu's office after he came and woke us up at 5:00 in the morning. Before walking us here, all dressed and ready for school, which he never did tell us that we were attending UA, but cool.

"I'm sure you are all, wondering why I have brought you here." Nezu starts.

"Actually I wondering more about, why it had to be today and so early in the morning." I state, a bit grump from lack of sleep.

Nezu ignores my comments and continues, "I have brought you all here to tell you the decision of the staff, regarding which class you will all be in."

"Yuki will be separated from us and put in 1B, instead of 1A. Why should we be bothered up this? It's not like we're not going to see at home later in the day." I say quite bluntly.

This time Nezu does take note of my comment as the others nodded in agreement. He had already talked it out with Yuki, in fact it was Yuki's idea to be separated.

"Very well then, your teachers are outside and will lead you to your classrooms." Nezu says, a little taken back from the functioning as one unit vibe coming from us.

I didn't care, stood up, walked over to Emiko and signalled for her to turn around. She instantly knew why and turn around. I climb on to her back and start to take a nap.

After a few minutes we arrived at the empty classroom with Yuki already separated off to his own room. I was woken only so I could move to my seat which is behind where Shoto Todoroki will sit and Emiko sits behind Momo, to my right is Kana and Asuka. Behind me is Kazuya and next to her behind Emiko is Miyuki. Are seats are just added to the back of the room, now making a class of 26, 1B is also now a class of 26.

I continue my nap as the others amuse themselves until other students arrive.

An hour or so later students started to pile in and the others were chatting with them, not too loudly in fear of waking me.

Good. Stay afraid.

I thought in my half awake half asleep napping state. I can't sleep properly in an unknown area but I can half asleep at at this stage, I need all the sleep I could get.

I noticed while in this state that from the whispering of the girls that twins of Miyuki and Kazuya were here, though currently not Asuka's.

I was content and getting close to having enough sleep to at least get me to the end of this day when someone does the unthinking.

"Take your feet off of that desk now!" A boy loudly reprimands.

Who the Hell does this kid think he is? Practically shouting at 7 in morning.

I thought bitterly, and was starting to wake up.

"Hah?!" Another boy rudely says.

Must be the boy, the first one is talking to.

I think as Asuka comments quietly that her twin is also here.

"It's the first day, and your already disrespecting this academy by scuffing school property, you creep." The first boy continues reprimanding loudly.

"Your kidding right? Your old school put a stick up your ass or were you born with it?" The second boy remarks.

They are seriously starting to piss me off. Can't they just let me sleep.

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