Chapter 32: USJ - part 4 - 1B

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Yuki POV
1-B we're doing some basic hero training during the event that 1-A was going through. Today's training was a simple capture the flag style exercise. With most teams being made of four. He's & another group however were made of three and would be going up against each other.

He is in a group with his friends, Shinso and Kiramu. The other group was made up of the other added students, which are Kanon Shi, Kamiko Shi, Kohei Shi. He's team is team blue and they are team red.

We were currently in one of the cityscapes about to start our match.

"Remember the aim is the capture the opponents flag and return it to your base, without having yours taken. First with team with both flags in their base or the last team standing wins." Vald King announces the objective one last time, before beginning the match.

"What's the plan?" Kiramu asks excitedly.

"Shinso and I will stay to defend the flag, while you can go to collect theirs." He says, after some consideration.

"Got it." Kiramu says, taking a drink from a potion and speeds off.

Speed potions must be really handy.

"Are we planning on stopping some of them with my quirk?" Shinso asks.

"If possible yes. My quirk can only do so much." He admits as they move to positions and wait for the enemy.
Unknown POV - Current Costumes
Coloured ice blue and white. He wears a fluffy ice blue jacket top with a hood and ice blue pants. He has white snow boots. A white belt and dark ice blue coloured snow googles. The outfit is laced with heat pads to keep him from freezing. With his hair left in it's usual rather untamed state.

Looks similar to Jirou's but coloured in blacks, violets and greens. The theme is also games not music. She also has a violet gamer headset, which helps her focus her thoughts to create the things she does. Her black boots are running friendly, on the black belt she hold, vials of potions or weapons she summons. With her hair in it's usual ponytail but instead of being tied up with a white ribbon, like it normally is, it is tied up with a green to match the colour theme.

The same costume he added up having once joining the hero course.

A White Black Widow type costume with a white eye mask, she prefers full freedom to move. Has a gun and knives as a choice of weapon. The weapons are for when she can't use her quirk and to stop herself from just relying on her quirk. Her hair is in its usual blunt bob hairstyle.

A Green Arrow type outfit but his costume is Blue and Black. The arrows are dark blue. He's go some extra padding on the knees and elbow, due to his quirk being classified as more of a mental type. His hair is in it's usual L from Death Note type of hairstyle.

A white that fades into yellow spring dress with a flower pattern trimming. She wears a cherry blossom hair clip and black 3/4 length tights. Plus a white eye mask with flower patterns. She  also has white boots, with a steel cap to help with her kicks. Her hair is in it's usual fishtail hairstyle.
Kiramu POV
As she speeds around she is on the look out for the opposition and their base. After a solid 2 minutes of running she finds the base in the distance and takes a out an invisibly potion and drinks it.

She then begins to get closer. Noticing a lack of anyone around the flag, causing her to pause. She looks at the ground to find a patch of Shiroibara flowers.

That could have been dangerous. Now which one is this?

Never have I ever seen a dead body of someone close to me.

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