Chapter 14: MHA:TT - Backstory - part 1

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Past timeline is essentially Ena's past as she experienced this timeline, before going into the past which ended up creating the timeline that our MC will be shifting into.
Unknown POV of past timeline
War. That is what is being planned, a second battle and a new playing field for one person.

"I believe now is the time to use the time travel ability." AFO says to Ena, whom is standing before him.

"But, we don't know how this battle will turn out. We've already lost Kurogiri, now you want to lose me as well." Ena exclaims her concern.

"You simply aren't needed here anymore, so it's time you go and be useful in winning a different battle." AFO causally dismisses her concerns.

Her face looked devastated at first, but quickly returned to a neutral expression before she bows and saying, "I understand, Father."

He dismisses her and she turns leaving the room.

Later in Ena's room, she is preparing to use her one time ability, that she was born with. She was staring at the ceiling while lying on her bed. She had until the end of the day, to use her ability and leave this timeline for ever.

"Hey, what's wrong?" A girl with long orange wavy hair asks, from the doorway.

"He wants me to use it, Maoki." Ena states immediately with her eyes closed.

"Oh, your scared of what you will face in your new timeline." Maoki says softly as she moves over to sit next to her best friend.

"There's no way of knowing until I do it, I don't even have a choice in the matter anymore. I have to be gone by the end of the day." Ena explains, she was on the brink of tears.

"Hey, come on I'm sure everything will be fine. I mean I will still be there for you, your just going back in time." Maoki says being positive.

"You know sometimes you're positivity disgusts me, right?" Ena complains, looking over at her bff.

"The nerve! First your leaving me and now you're insulting me." Maoki says dramatically and faking being hurt by the words.

They both soon break out into laughter. They were like at for at least 5 minutes, before they began to calm down again. The situation was starting to sink back in.

"What would I do without you, Maoki. You've always been my light." Ena says with a sad smile.

Maoki looks in front of her before saying, "All though this may be goodbye for myself, it's simply a see you soon for you."

"But it won't be you." Ena tries to reason, her fears.

"She may not share all the memories we have, but she will still be me at her core. Just remember that, okay?" Maoki says turning to look at Ena, with pleading eyes.

"Okay." Ena says hesitantly before hugging Maoki tightly, while avoiding to put pressure on Maoki's fractured ribs and bandaged up abdomen.

After that Ena uses Time Jumper.
Ena's POV
Where am I? Am I floating?

She opens her eyes to find she is in a black area, with no ground. Upon looking around herself for awhile, a holographic screen suddenly appears in front of her.

"What?!" She tries to say out loud in surprise, but no sound comes out.

She grabs her throat in fear. Though she soon notices words show up on the screen.

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