Chapter 15: MHA:TT - Backstory - part 2

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Unknown POV
The Kamado triplets were currently in the park that is relatively deserted. They are 5 years old, their mother has just left to take a phone call, just in a near by alley.

The kids were currently deciding on what to play. They are sitting in a circle thinking as they wait for their mother to return.

"How about we test our quirks out more?" Iceyko suggests breaking the silence.

"But Mommy doesn't let us." Emiko interjects before Yuki could agree.

"She only said, we weren't allowed to use our quirks indoors, she said nothing about outside." Iceyko states having found a loophole in the argument.

"Fine, but we have to keep the damage to an absolute minimum." Emiko gives in after seeing that Iceyko wasn't going to give in anytime soon, if she could find loopholes. She also knew Iceyko would just bring up her quirk as an excuse as well.

"Yay!" Yuki exclaims excitedly, considering he has the flashiest and least judged quirk of the three.

Yuki then holds his left hand out and causes an ice mist to appear around his hand. He then stomps his foot causing a bunch of ice to appear. It was getting big than he in tended but it soon came to a sudden stop.

Emiko was staring at him, eyes red and hair floating over her. She looked highly annoyed by the fact that, Iceyko had pushed this idea and Yuki wasn't being careful.

"I'm sorry." Yuki says quickly, hoping to soft the punishment.

"You need to be more careful and keep it small. Or have you forgotten no one here has a quirk that can melt your ice." Emiko states, while walking over to her brother. She was now next to the mini fridge size ice glazier, with her arms crossed.

Now it might not seem like much look at it but keep in mind he is a five old and the thing looks massive to them, as he could only create a small bin size the last time he tried.

"Let it go, Emiko. This is one of the reasons I suggested this." Iceyko starts, catching their attention and stopping Emiko from scolding Yuki, "He's letting his control slip, I noticed it when we were training our quirks with Mother."

"That doesn't mean he should let loose out here." Emiko argues.

"I never said he should." Iceyko states calmly. She then walks over to the ice and finds a sharp piece, within her reach.

"Iceyko." Emiko warns as she watches that the sharp piece getting dangerous close to Iceyko's right forearm.

"What? it's my turn." Iceyko simple states, then immediately causing a cut on her arm, before Emiko could protest.

She then causes some of her blood to flow out to create a wobbly tentacle thing. She watches the blood move, she notices how red it is and she starts to get curious.

If she can create any non-living object, what else could she create? So, naturally she brings her left hand over to the blood. Though just before she touches it the blood glows a dark green before it instantly shoots back into her body. The cut she made also heals as soon as the blood returns.

The three of them stare shocked at her arm. This has never happened before and they have no idea what that glow means.

"What was that?" Yuki asks, breaking the silence.

"I. I don't know." Iceyko says softly, as she stares at her arm, looking for any differences or something that could tell her what happened.

*Clap, Clap, Clap* A slow clap could be heard from behind them, breaking Emiko out of her thoughts. They all turn to see no one was there.

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