Chapter 25: Hero Training & Outfits

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Iceyko's POV
Once in the change room, I let go of Kazuya and head to over to an area to get changed.

"Hey, what the hell?! IceBlood." Kazuya says, finally shaking off her shock. She moves over to me, bring everyone's attention to me and stopping me from starting to change.

She grabs my tie and pulls my face close to hers. Causing me to have to look into her eyes.

"You were about to burst. So, I dragged you out of there. Really you should be thanking me." I say, pushing her buttons a bit with a small smirk.

"Like hell I'm going to thank you?!" She says loudly in my face, causing an involuntary wince come out, I also flinch a little from the pain.

She stares at me wide eye, before letting go. She then turns away and heads to change, silently.

All the other girls just stare for awhile before going back to what they were doing. I waited until the attention was off me before I could start getting changed.

I am very self conscious and the scars I have on my back doesn't help with the matter.

"Wow, You look amazing, Yagi." Mina compliments loudly from a few spaces away.

I look over having just finished changing. She definitely does look amazing in her hero costume.

She wears a white goddess like dress that goes to her knee high with a gold coloured belt design. She has purple 3/4 length leggings underneath and a golden flower design headband. She has some throwing knives tucked away in her white and gold boots, plus in the pockets of her leggings there are a collection of seeds. Her hair is out like she usual has it.

I would feel a bit too exposed wearing that. But she definitely pulls it off.

"Thank you, you amazing as well." Kana says in her angelic voice.

This caused mixed reactions from the girls, some were jealous, others were in awe and the last few weren't effected.

I instead of waiting for Kana to notice I was finished, simply walked out with Emiko just behind me and walk together to the training grounds.

Emiko's costume is full black, looks a lot like Aizawa's costume. She has a grey belt that can hold her some of her weapons when she summons them and she has a black and grey outline eye mask. She also has black and grey boots.

Her hair is also left out, like she usually has it. The difference between hers and Aizawa's hair is that hers isn't quite long enough to reach her shoulders and hers looks a little more tamed.

Yeah, she's not planning on being in the media much.

My costume is a black skin tight base full body, short sleeves and mid thigh length. There will also be two holds that will expose the sides of her mid section. She has a haori with wisteria design the right side, a green, purple and icy blue butterfly on the back and red spider lilies design on the left. A white and purple designed smaller than usual holder for her katana, that sits on her left hip. There is also a green smaller than usual quill of arrows that lends towards her right with the tails coloured black and green. Over that is a green hood like in attack on titans but instead on it having the scout regiment symbol, it's the butterfly. She has a green with a black out line eye mask and a butterfly pin like Shinbou's but has the same colours of the ones on the rest of her costume. She also wears black and green sneaker/boots.

My hair is in its usual braid from the right to left, leaving it draped over her left shoulder.

I might have gone a little over top.

Looking at mine more. Though I still did plan on changing it in anyway.

"I love how yours looks so much like Father's." I comment, as we get closer to our destination.

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