Chapter 36: Sports Festival - part 1

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Iceyko POV
"Aww man, I was hoping to be able to wear my costume." Mina's disappoint can be heard.

That least it keeps it fair. I also wouldn't want another one of those goblet blasts aimed at me again so soon.

"Everybody get your game faces on, we'll be entering the arena soon." Iida announces, after bursting through the door.

I look around and see some nervous faces. Including Midoriya, Mineta, Asuka and Kana.

Kana's probably consider on whether she can handle having the whole arena's attention on her for at least when she walks out. It seems have being around her awhile the effects of that ability lessens. The attention of the crowd.. WHAT IF THEY ALL PAY ATTENTION TO ME?!

"It could causes an overload. AH?! What if it happens during an activity. I could faint, and worse." I mumble to myself, not realising it was out loud as I paced back around, with a pale expression.

"Maybe, it'll be fine." I whisper to myself, trying not to even think of the worst case and taking a deep breath.

By now the ones who weren't focusing on Midoriya's and Todoroki's exchange, had their focus on me. Wondering why I all of the sudden looked like I was going to pass out.

"Icey? Are you okay?" Kana asks from near me, as the exchange between the two boys end.

"Huh? I was specking out loud, wasn't I?" I say a little embarrassed and stopped pacing, with my eyes turning slightly pink and a streak of pink hair showing up in my hair.

"Aww, your embarrassed that's so cute." Kana says in awe and starts fussing over my change in eyes and hair.

I was soon saved by Present Mic announcing us to the stadium and signalling for us to enter. I waste no time and use my ghost ability to jump on to Emiko's back, so that in the event that multiple people do state at me, my quirk won't effect me.

Once we headed out my fears were confirmed as I see a sea of people filling up the massive stadium.

So, glad I did this. Shame I can't do this for that tasks as well. Looks like I'm going to get out early.

After all classes from A to K have been announced and have walked out, Midnight takes centre stage. I hear boys comment on her outfit and I look around Emiko to see what the fuss is about.

That is definitely an X-Rated costume, not great for a high school event. But you do you.

She brings up the welcoming speech and Bakugou has been chosen as the representative.

Shoot, this isn't going to go well.

I start to shrink a bit and hide further into Emiko, which she wasn't too pleased with but knew that pushing me away would've help with anything.

Bakugou getting up on stage and says what we all dread, "I just want to say, I'm going to win." Causing an up rise from the other classes making them dislike us even more.

Iida reprimands him for him to only say, "Not my fault the rest of you are just stepping stones to my victory." Before walking off the stage.

Some days you don't know when to quit. Then again I can admire you for that fact as well.

With that out of the way the reveal of the first event took place, the screen soon displays 'Obstacle Race'.

Midnight the explains the event with the ending of her explanation being, "As long as you don't leave the course, you're free to do whatever your heart desires. Now then take your places contestants."

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