Chapter 39: Sports Festival- part 4

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Iceyko POV
Moving to to the next round the matches are:
Izuku Midoriya vs Shoto Todoroki

Miran Shi vs Tenya Iida

Tomo Shi vs Asuka Midoriya

Atsuko Shi vs Katsuki Bakugou

The first match ends up destroys the battle area with Todoroki finally using his fire quirk. Todoroki wins the match by being the one left standing.

"You and Midoriya are alike." Miyuki points out, as she too had started using her fire quirk, thanks to me.

"I guess we are." I state back as the arena is being cleared away to be fixed.

I get up and head to the infirmary to see if they need any help with the amount of broken bones Midoriya currently has.

Once arriving at the infirmary, I find Midoriya has a bit of a crowd. I walk past them and over to Midoriya. "He's going to need his bones put back in place, before you can heal him properly." I state looking at him and announcing my presences.

"That's correct, now all of you shoo, I need to prep for surgery." Recovery Girl states.

I instantly of going to the door had created a scalpel and was really to cut him open, freaking out everyone in the room.

"What? I can hear where his veins are so it's easier to avoid them and I've fixed quite a few bones over the years." I state, Kana confirming the information with a nod.

The others were then shut out and the door shut, leaving just Kana, Recovery Girl and I. We completely the surgery and I mix in some of my ice to help minimise how bent looking his hand will be, making his hand a bit cold. The scars will be significantly less as well.

After it was complete I head back out to the seating area and let everyone know that he was fine.

"How do you know that?" Iida inquires.

"I helped with the surgery, good thing I did too or else his hand would be quite crooked." I state.

"You possess a healing quirk?" Iida questions.

"I do, it's just doesn't work as fast as Recovery Girls or Kana's but it does put everything back in place and heals it like it wasn't broken, even when they have low energy. But it is at the cost of coldness." I explain.

"Coldness how?" Uraraka asks.

"It's basically ice that heals deep wounds." I say, Iida nods before heading off to prepare for his match.

His match soon begins. He waits for her to come at him with the vines and judged them to send her flying out of bounds, since she couldn't reach in time she went out and the match ended.

Midoriya could put after awaking having just missed that short match. He is however in time for his sister's match.

"Deku, you're here? Shouldn't you still be in the infirmary?" Uraraka questions.

"I'm fine really, thanks to Recovery Girl and Yagi, the surgery went well and my hand should be too crooked. In fact they said I have someone else to thank as their quirks would have been as successful, as they rely more on energy of some kind." Midoriya explains and shows his hand in the cast.

"Kamado actually told us after she returned." Iida states having just come back from his match.

"Kamado? You did this?!" Midoriya questions and looks right at me.

"Duh. Why else would it feel like your hand is freezing off?" I question.

Uraraka, curious touch's his hand and finds it is indeed cold. "So cold." She states immediately pulling back.

We soon turn our attention to the match as it begins. Asuka starts by starting in a ready position and watches Tomo. Tomo soon acts and attacks her with vines from his arms and he's legs turn to roots and shoot into the ground.

Why does he seem better equipped for his quirk then the one who actually possesses the quirk?

Asuka sets all the vegetation on fire and holds herself in the air with her telekinesis. She then sends a rampage of fireballs at Tomo, causing him to retract, try not to put the fire out and dodge.

The roots come out of the ground and go for her but she simple fires a fireball at it and he retracts. He then seems to look a little dazed and dodges another fireball over the boundary line, ending the match.

Huh? What the hell was that?! He could have continued easy, so why is he holding back?

I watch as he leaves the arena, and the arena is soon fixed up a bit before the final match of this round.

It was kind of short, Atsuko started by running around like crazy throwing punch and pushing Bakugou back a bit until he had enough. Blast this man to hell and since he couldn't dodge for some reason, he ended up knocked out on the ground, ending the match.

I don't even know what to think anymore.

Shoto Todoroki vs Tenya Iida

Asuka Midoriya vs Katsuki Bakugou

Oooo, I can't wait for Asuka and Bakugou to go head to head.

I didn't have to wait long as Todoroki dominates Iida with precision attacks, though he did get hit in the head pretty hard.


Now it's Asuka vs Bakugou. They start with hand to hand fighting, which was a little odd. Though soon the quirks came out and Asuka tried throwing him out multiple times and keeping him out with a bunch of suspended fireballs in the air, which the man gracefully dodges.

She tries to move them at him, but he goes for her, so she risks it and instead he gets out last minute and her fireballs knock her out.

I swear it runs in the family, how can one be so willing to her themselves to win like that?

I think before realising that's a be hypocritical of myself. The last match soon comes around and ends like I expected it to, Bakugou won. Though it wasn't the way he wanted to win and almost went on a rampage.

At the metalling ceremony, Iida wasn't there thanks to family reasons and Bakugou was tied up. I kind of just stood there staring for a moment in disbelief before going invisible and going straight up to him.

"What the hell are you still raging for? You can deal with him later." I telepathically communicate with him as I touch his arm.

He tries to say something but can't.

"Think it." I point out.

KB;b "I don't want to take the stupid win, he didn't give it everything he's got."

"You know damn well the man has issues, why are you surprised? Did you really think telling him to give it his all was going to work?"

KB;b "I shouldn't need to."

"You Bakugou's somedays."

KB;b "What the hell is that supposed to mean?!"

"Shouting is still shouting?! Even in the mind."

KB;b "I get it, don't do it again."

"Good, now I'm going to untie you and if you so much as try to attack him, I will yell so much in your mind that you will know true pain."

KB;b "Fine."

I then untie him and stay next to him invisible as All Might comes down to give out the awards. He gives out the others and goes to Bakugou, noticing that he was untied. He tried to give encouraging but Bakugou wasn't having it, so he shut him up with the metal strape but in reality it was just so he would take it.

I then continue to keep him from attacking Todoroki until we are allowed to leave.

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