Chapter 26: End of day 2 & Presidents

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Emiko POV
She heads to the infirmary to get healed up from burns Kazuya gave me. Iceyko had decided to tag along as Emiko had refused the help of the bots and Iceyko just wanted to get out of there, away from the questioning.

"Why do you want to hide your abilities so much?" She asks, as the walk the empty hallways.

"I would prefer to keep the target on my back, to a minimum." Iceyko says in her usual vague way, on a subject she didn't really want to answer.

I get it. If her full capabilities were know she would be a constant target and the ones around her. She just wants to protect us, in her own cold way.

She thinks as they reach the infirmary. She opens the door and is quickly greeted, "Another one, you kids are quite reckless." Recovery Girl says as she turns to the door.

"Two of you?" Recovery Girl questions as she guides Emiko to a bed and sees Iceyko cloak.

"Not quite, but if I may. Since I'm here, can I clean this up?" Iceyko asks politely.

"Fine, you have to let me look over you after your done." Recovery Girl says reluctantly and points to the sink.

"Thank you." Iceyko thanks with a slight bow before going to complete her task.

"What nasty burns, how did you get them, dear?" Recovery Girl asks as she looks at the injuries on Emiko.

"I let Kazuya get too close." She admits.

Recovery Girl then proceeds to heal her with a kiss and her injuries instantly heal but she suddenly feels a bit tired.

"Wow, this works so much faster than Icy's healing ability but you feel tired after woulds, instead of feeling cold around the injury for 3 hours." She says praising Recovery Girl's quirk while taking a shot at Iceyko.

"Yeah and they ability has keep you all alive." Iceyko remarks as she just finishes cleaning her cloak, she begins drying it with a little heat from her fire ability without showing flames.

"Iceyko possesses a healing ability?" Recovery Girl questions, looking between the two.

"Yes, though mine takes longer to heal people. But it will stop people from bleeding out." Iceyko simple states as she moves over to a free bed and sits down.

"That's all, dear. You can head back to class now." Recovery Girl says to Emiko as she heads over to do a check up on Iceyko.

"Thank you." She says before heading out, of the room.
Unknown POV
"It's already the second day of school and he's already a regular patient. Why didn't you stop him All Might?" Recovery Girl reprimands.

"I know, I'm sorry." He states. Before Recovery Girl starts explaining about what she had to do, to stop permanent injuries.

"... Aldo could you stop talking about OFA so loudly when anyone around could hear you." All Might says catching a sleepy student's attention.


Later Midoriya walks up and heads back to classroom to grab his stuff. He quickly gets crowded by people as he arrives in the classroom.

He soon asks about Kacchan and runs out to try to meet him.

"He still uses that stupid nickname." Kazuya comments as she collects her stuff.

Now that Asuka had seen that her brother was fine they can get going soon. As soon as Aizawa comes round. Iceyko had left awhile ago, sometimes about wanting fresh air.


"Kacchan!" Midoriya calls out. "Wait up."

"What?" Bakugou asks in a dark tone. Causing Midoriya to freeze in his tracks.

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