Chapter 17: Arrival and Saved?

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1st POV
1st of march, the morning of the full night in the interrogation room. Though there really wasn't much interrogation, rather the two of us just sat in silence for the majority of the night and managed to get some rest as well.

Once it was around, 6:30 am, Ena looked at me like she wanted to say something.

Does she know about the box or is this..

ES- It's about to begin. Have I done enough or have I made things worse?

What is she talking?

Though, before Ena could think of anything else, a loud crash could be heard from outside of the room. Causing her to move to put her coat on properly and open the door, while not thinking of anything.

Upon the opening of the doors, she turns back to me and creates icicles. She then uses her wind ability which was weakened thanks to it being spring and fired the icicles at me, at their current full strength.

I can't move the chair, dodging would be a futile effort, so that leaves blocking. But I can't just show off my abilities and who knows what actually caused that crash.
I just have to stop it hitting something vital.

With this in mind, as soon as one of the icicles penetrated my skin, I let my blood shootout to create a shield to protect myself and put the one that got me a little, back out. As I did so, I continued to look at Ena, to get any information out of her.

ES- She stopped it? She hasn't used that trick before. Not even the older version would do something that risky. I might have created a problem.

I was a little surprised, that she was openly comparing me with another version of me. I knew she was from some future, from the information she knew but apart from that I didn't know much.

She hadn't ever dared to do that before, so why now?

Just then All Might comes in, moving over to me, he unties me as he asks, "Are you okay, Young Miss?" He was looking at my chest which still had the shield formed there.

"I'm fine." I say, not taking my eyes off Ena even for moment.

ES- Maybe she does, have a telepathic ability. It could explain a lot and why she is looking at me now.

Why are you acting like you didn't know?

Ena then actives her warp ability as All Might
just finishes with my restrains and goes to attack her. She quickly makes her escape but not before thinking one last thing.

Good luck, Iceyko Kamado. I look forward to being the one to ending you.

After that the rest of the Pro heroes come in and the seven of us are taken to the hospital to get checked over. But I could help but have this feeling that something wasn't right.

How did they get in? Why did Ena, separate me? And why was this all planned?

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