Chapter 42: Aftermath

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1st POV
I decided to have a shower before going to bed.
Coming to terms what happened in the reality and the effects it has had on me.

I get in the shower after undressing and let the water soak my skin. I let my mind wander and relive the memories from the reality.

"Why don't you just use them, Kamado." A dark tone comes from Ena.

I spilt out blood from my mouth before questioning, "Why? So that you can confirm what my abilities are?"

I'm slapped with water and she punched me. "You know, this could all end if you do it." She states circling around me like I'm prey.

"Nothing you do in here, will change my mind." I state before she knocks me out.

I pant and hold on to the wall for support. My legs were a little shaking and my heartbeat was going crazy.

Maybe, do this in the shower isn't the smartest idea.

I finish my shower and get changed. While doing so I take a good look at myself to make sure their weren't any differences of any kind. There aren't any that I could find at least.

So it's just the added memories. That's good but also harder to notice, if I'm not careful.

I exist the bathroom, turn off the lights and get into bed, the fire in the fireplace still illuminate the room's main features. Once comfortable in bed, I try to sleep.

Try is the key word. Instead of sleeping for most of the night like I would have liked. I was awake, being tortured to have random memories from the other reality, flash into my mind, stopping me from sleeping.

By the time it was 2:00 am in the morning, I had finally crashed and slept for a good 6 hours before being woken by Sebastian.

"Hmm, Sebastian? Is it time to get up?" I question sleepily.

"What's wrong? You never sleep this late, usually." Sebastian questions back.

"Memories suck more than I thought they would." I state before getting up and getting ready to change.

"Have you got them all now?" Sebastian asks excitedly.

"I believe so, we'll discuss it after breakfast. Also let's have breakfast in the mansion." I say grabbing some clothes from my walk in wardrobe and walking over to the bathroom.

I quickly get changed and walk out, noticing that Sebastian had waited for me. I hold out my hand and he takes it. We then walk hand in hand over to the mansion, into the kitchen and begin to make pancakes.

Once done we sit down to eat them. "I cooked pancakes with someone there." I state after eating half of my pancakes.

"Who did you cook them with?" He asks after processing what I said.

"Kazuya Bakugou. She was the twin sister of Katsuki Bakugou. She an added character to the original series." I say.

"That loud blonde?" He question.

"Yes, the loud blonde." I say with a smile and think how funny it would be if one of them heard that.

"Why were you cooking with her? Isn't she hard to get along with?" He questions.

"Honestly, neither of them are that bad. Sure they can be rough around the edges but, in the end they both want to do some good in the world. Even if they don't show it in the best way." I explain before continuing, "Besides, I grew up with Kazuya, causing us to form a bond that is really sweet."

I continue eating, "Do you have a thing for her or something?" Sebastian suddenly asks, also causing me to choke.

I sip on some water before stating, "No?! Well, I don't think so, it's just, we're just friends. Good friends at that." I then mumble, "Though, who knows in the future."

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