Chapter 29: USJ - part 1

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Iceyko's POV
The next day, I was feeling a bit better. But like every morning I was tired.

Curse my insomnia.

I thought as I move into my seat and taking my nap for for the day. It's not like I'm not learning anyway.

The day was relatively calm and I go some good sleep before it was time for the Hero training. Aizawa had informed us that we were going to an offsite training area and will have three teachers for the activity. We were also told that it will be rescue training and we can choose to wear our costume or not, as they might not be suited for it.

So, we head out to change and then go meet outside to get ready to board the bus. That's where we currently are outside, though I was greatly thankful for the fact that I have layers so I don't have to worry about a certain pervert.

He didn't seem to notice me at all, I prefer it that way but he was looking at Kana with some questionable thoughts. Because of those thoughts, I had come to the conclusion that I couldn't looks at him any longer. I would do something about him but until he comes near her I saw no point in doing so.

I was trying to go back to being under the radar, that meant avoiding any unnecessary attention. The stays in the infirmary haven't been great for this fact or that my fears and quirk were starting to be spotlighted. Though I think I can handle this.

Soon, Iida had us line up to get on to the bus that, ended up being open planned and a little small. Instead of bunch up on seats like the others it, I sat down near Aizawa on the ground. After quickly throwing on my pale green sleeping bad with the help of fazing, create a bit of rope and tied myself to the down to the side of pole and started to take another nap.

"Curse this open plan layout, it ruined my seating scheme." Iida says for something along those lines, I didn't exactly hear it properly due to me getting comfortable.

"Don't worry Iida, the open plan works better for squishing up." Kana says trying to make him feel better.

"Yeah, though you really need to chill." Mina added.

"If we're pointing out the obvious, then there's something I would like to say. About you actually." Tsuyu says.

"About me? Asui." Midoriya says nervous.

I told you to call me, Tsu." She states.

"Oh. Yeah right." He says a little uncomfortable.

"That power of yours, isn't it a lot like All Might's?" She says.

He instantly freaks out a bit.

Way to make it more obvious, idiot.

"Wait hold on Tsu, your forgetting All Might doesn't hurt himself. That makes a huge difference." Kirishima says. Causing Midoriya to sigh with relief.

There isn't that much of a difference from my point of view, specially considering I can see that their quirks are connected thanks to my info ability.

"Though still I bet it cool to have a simple power type quirk, you can do a lot of flashy stuff with it. My hardering is super strong to destroy bad guys in a fight, but it does look all that impressive." Kirishima says.

Flashy is overrated and simple? Man if only you could see how wrong you are.

I think as Midoriya complements him, moving on to pro hero material.

Soon Kirishima speaks up again, "Well, if any of our classmates have pro quirks, it's the Todoroki's, Kamado's and Bakugou's." Catching our attentions a little.

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