Chapter 20: 1 Month Left - part 2

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Todoroki POV
It was just another day and she had decided to go out, with Yuki who had decided to join her. Though in order for any of the seven to go out they had to be escorted by a pro.

The pro chosen to taken them out was none other then Endeavor, who up till this point, Miyuki had successfully avoided him.

Why did it have to be him.

She still ended up going out even though the moment she saw him, she just wanted to turn back around and stay in for the day instead. Yuki had other plans and the moment he saw her, just before she could turn around, he calls her over and when she didn't move. He walked over and dragged her so they could have their day out.

So, here she is walking with Yuki and the person she dislikes most. Now her only objective is to make this day go as quickly as possible and give Endeavor no time to talk to her.

Yuki again, had other plans. She was starting to think he was an idiot of some kind.

I'm so disappointed in you.

She thought as she also remembers tell Yuki about how she got the scar on her face. They had headed to the mall where they were shopping for not only themselves but also the others at home.

I wish I was them right now.

They have just entered a clothing store. Looking down the isles looking for some clothes for Asuka because she ended up burning most of hers and some clothes for Miyuki, herself as she, just needs some more.

"Hey, do you think Asuka would like this?" Yuki asks, holding a white shirt with All Might on it.

"Yeah, she loves All Might." She confirms and then hears Endeavor give a grunt of disapproval.

He dislikes All Might.

"I'll get one too." She states, knowing full well it will greatly displease Endeavor.

That was start of her plan to continue the day, pissing off Endeavor and knowing he wasn't going to do anything to her.

"Yuki, you like All Might, don't you?" She asks as they leave the clothes store and move on to another store.

"Like him? I love him, he's not the number one for nothing." Yuki says, unknowingly rubbing salt in Endeavor's wounds.

"What about the other's, whose their favourite hero?" She asks knowing that Kazuya's is All Might but also curious about the others.

"Well, obviously Kazuya likes All Might. Kana's was her mother but now it's Hawks because 'he looks so free'. Emiko and Iceyko are both Eraserhead fans. I'm not really sure why, he's never really in the media so you don't see this battles." Yuki says talking about each. She notice and is quite proud of the fact that none of them are Endeavor fans.

"This Kana you speak of, her mother was a hero?" Endeavor questions, and being one to the first times that he has really started to talk to them.

"Oh, yeah. She was the third ranked American pro hero before she was killed." Yuki says.

"You would happen to be Snowfall's son, would you?" Endeavor inquires.

"Yes actually, I'm a triplet with Iceyko and Emiko actually." Yuki says with a smile.

He's smile, it's fake.

They were soon done with their shopping and head back to the house, where she didn't bother on saying goodbye but instead walked briskly to the door, opened it and walked inside.
Kana POV
She was lounging in the lounge room, trying to figure out what she want to do or watch. She would ask someone but currently the only other person in the area was Iceyko, she was currently taking a nap on the other couch, in a pale green sleeping bag.

Although Kana could easily go over and wake her up. She would never dare to, well at least not on purpose as Iceyko only tolerates soon much. When napping in the lounge, she is completely fine with the TV on at a normal level up if it goes above that level, it hurts her ears and sometimes her ears even bleed.

Somethings that Iceyko does not tolerate well, is being woken up from a nap and unless she asked you to wake her up at a certain, you do not touch her. She has been labeled as so scary that even Kazuya, who is stubborn as hell and Emiko, who can cancel her quirk, won't even do it.

I'm never making that mistake again, once was enough.

She has now opted to scrolling through Netflix looking for something to watch and make sure it doesn't hurt Iceyko.

She had been mindlessly scroll for a good 10 minutes before, "Hey, what are you planning to watch?" Yuki asks, as he jumps over the couch to sit next to her, scaring her.

"What?!" She says, on guard from his sudden presence, then noticed she said that kind of loud and looks instantly over to Iceyko.

Please don't wake up.

Luckily she didn't and she then addresses Yuki's question, "I'm not sure yet. I just don't want to wake up Icy."

"Icy is here?" Yuki gives an eyebrow raise then looks over that the other couch and pales a little.

Must be thinking of all the times he woke her.

He soon turns back to her and suggests, "How about we just watch the Harry Potter Movies?"

"Harry Potter?" She questions, not really knowing of it.

The horror that struck Yuki's face at that state, "You don't know, Harry Potter?!" He says in a shushed yell, being sure not to go over the normal level of sound. Iceyko also happens to be a Potterhead.

"Should I have?" She asks innocently.

"Do you not know how popular it is?" Yuki fires back.

"Obviously not." She states, still confused.

"You know what, get comfortable. We're doing a Harry Potter marathon." Yuki states and goes to the kitchen to make some popcorn.

"Wait, how many are there?" She lightly calls out.

"8 movies, 7 books. Of the main series." Yuki says as he walks back in with a massive bowl of popcorn and a bowl of a few different sweets.

"That bowl suggests that we will be here until midnight." She says a little wary.

"Possibly." Yuki says with a smile before starting the first movie.

Around the time of Goblet Of Fire, Iceyko wakes up and starts watching as well. Which the other two didn't notice at first. With Kana intently watching the movie and Yuki from time to time looking over to her to see her reactions.

Though, once Iceyko grabbed some mars bars, dark chocolate and some sour strips, they quickly noticed she was awake.

"You're awake." Yuki states with a hint of fear in his eyes.

"Shh, Kana needs to watch the movie in peace." Iceyko says with a slight smirk and goes back to her spot with her treats.

Iceyko was smirking, because they were sitting quite close together and Kana was lightly leaning her head against Yuki's chest as he had his arm around her. Iceyko didn't plan on asking how they got in this position, but she was somewhat glad the others weren't around to ruin it.

Just like that Iceyko had joined the marathon and together they watched till the end. Upon the ending, Yuki and Kana both fall asleep as so as they saw the credits from staying up so late. Iceyko on the other hand was wide awake like every night during the time period.

So, she simply grabbed a blanket and covered the two, which are snuggled up against each other.
Author notes
Although this book won't focus heavily to romance, there will be hints/fakes and some wholesome scenes.

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